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Part 10: The End from the Beginning

(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10)

When God begins something new, we often don’t see what He sees as we begin. We simply start at the beginning. That is what Helen Joy Duperree, Pennsylvania’s State Prayer Coordinator, did when she received a nudge from God to make contact with the grandchildren of Aglow leaders who passed away during COVID. Little did Helen know that as she sat out by bus across the state, the magnitude of a prayer network that God would begin to build. Partnering with God as He leads, produces great blessings.

Helen Joy says, “Relationship are key in the Kingdom. I am getting into communities and strong relationships are being built with the fathers and mothers of the Zip Code kids. One of the Jr. Zip Code Captains has been in a mental institution twice in the past 6 months for cutting. Her father now calls me, giving updates and asking for prayer. I have also walked through cancer treatments with him since this all began. 

Another father and his daughter have been in a homeless shelter. We all joined together in prayer and God gave them a home. Both the dad and 8-year-old daughter came on the weekly prayer call crying and rejoicing in God’s Goodness to them. My heart has become entwined with theirs on this journey of prayer. I am amazed how far we have come in less than a year.

Dakota who is 8 is also autistic. He has a brilliant mind. When we met and spent time in prayer together in a small kitchen, tears poured forth in gratefulness for what God was doing. God’s Presence fell in that small space. It seemed as though He sat with us while we had tea and talked. It was from this meeting that God birthed the first book of the series called, ‘Dakota Prays”. 

Here is a funny part of the story concerning Dakota. He would not pray with me until I watched a wrestling video with him. I did and he became my first recruit! I believe that Jesus desires to enter homes and communities and as we partner with Him – in whatever way He initiates, He is going to bring in the harvest we have been longing for. 

One last report from a mom about her 10-year-old daughter. She said, ’My daughter carries her Zip Code prayer journal even on our family vacations so she doesn’t miss praying for her zip code.”

God is faithful to the generations and throughout the generations. Let’s rejoice together as God continues to grow these young Samuels in His ways. To God be the Glory great things He is doing! We would love to hear your stories. Tell us your story