At the beginning of every year, the Aglow staff seeks the Lord for wisdom and direction for what the new year will bring. Oftentimes we receive a word which encapsulates the essence of that direction. My word for this year is ‘emerging’.
On February 24, 2024, The Haven Aglow Neighborhood Lighthouse in Melbourne, Florida under the East Central Florida Area participated in a Prayer Walk - March for Jesus.
Recently the Hawthorne, NV Lighthouse made gift bags for Valentine’s Day that could be given out to children who visited the Aurora Healing Center. Each bag contained an orange along with other sweet treats.
We recently received a testimony from a lady who had completed the GameChangers course. Here is her story. “Having been a Christian for over 50 years, I loved the Lord, studied His Word, attended worship, and hung around Christians.
The Matteson Single Moms Generation Group hosted 55 moms, 70 children, and 56 teens for a special Christmas event in 2023. The room was beautifully decorated with a lovely Christmas tree, a snowman, and giant Christmas ornaments.