Several weeks ago, David Demian invited me to be part of an Isaiah 19 intercessory group. So, for the last few weeks I have been joining a wide group of leaders from around the world on a Zoom call that is led by Asher Intrater and David Demian.
The focus of the call is establishing relationship among leaders in the Body of Christ regarding Isaiah 19:18-25 and praying those scriptures into being.
Earlier this month, we heard a leader from Northern Iraq. It was a very moving testimony regarding the ways God is moving in that area of the world.
There are several on the call you would recognize, such as Barbara Yoder, Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, Rick Ridings, Don Finto, Paul Wilbur, Avi Mizrahi, Dan and Patty Juster and many leaders from the Mid-East and Asia.
Highway 19 Online Gathering
I am inviting you to be part of this gathering. The date and time are:
- Thursday, July 30, 2020; 5:00 am Pacific Time
To connect to the broadcast, click on the following link and scroll to the bottom to find the options to participate by YouTube or Facebook. Click, Once you have selected which media to participate from, there will be multiple language translations to choose from.
We will continue to fast in the days leading up to the call, and for 1 day following. Begin each day with worship. Be intentional about focusing your heart and mind on The Lord. Speak of His wondrous works. (Read more about the fast)
Additional Information
- How can I check when the event begins in my local time?
- To check your local time, please visit:
- How long will the gathering last?
- Expect the call to last approximately three hours.
- What else should I prepare?
- We will share Communion during our time together. Please prepare Communion elements (bread and juice/wine) beforehand.
Blessings and Love,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International