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Do you remember in 2004, Dutch Sheets walked the platform with this key.  I took it home.  With this key he kept saying "I release the anointing.  I release the anointing.  I release Isaiah 22:22 over this ministry, the anointing of government, and the revelation of level 12.  You are coming through level 11 and you are going all the way to level 12, Kingdom authority.  He is going to clear out all the cobwebs, all the wrong thinking.  He is going to show you how to go into the level of kingdom authority."  Girls we have gone in.  The thing the enemy meant for our undoing has been the very thing that has empowered and strengthened us for the days ahead.  We will not be stopped.  Dutch kept saying, as he walked and paced the platform with this key, "I release it on you.  Twenty-two is your number.  I decree it now."  What is your number?

I was thinking about the various themes of conferences that we have had.  Our theme in 2003 was "Seasons in God, Establishing a New Day".  That was a real turning point for our ministry.  Are you aware of it?  It was a powerful conference.  2004 "Awake!  Be Astounded!"  There has been an awakening taking place in this ministry.  Any ministry that has gone at the rate this ministry has gone for thirty-nine years, we have needed a fresh touch from heaven.  We have needed the renewing of the Holy Spirit.  We have needed God to visit us and in these last several conferences, it is like the roof has been blown off our gathering places.  Would you not agree?  2005 "His Defining Presence" and 2006 "Destiny".

Chuck Pierce said in a recent newsletter that 5767 is the year of the clash of the sword of the Lord.  He said that we are getting ready to be sharpened and our identity is being developed for the future.  Well, I want to say that I believe Aglow, a ministry that is thirty-nine this year, is moving into our future, that we have stepped into our destiny, that we have been moving in that way these past several years.  You can hear it in our corporate gatherings.  You can sense it in the worship times.  God has shifted this ministry into a new place.  He has given us a greater understanding of our call and our purpose.  We have moved from the sixties, seventies, eighties into the year 2000.

Not seeing this as something that is just a blessing for ourselves, but He has awakened us to His almighty call and purpose on our lives as women.  Amen?

Graham Cooke, one of our speakers a couple of years ago, said Aglow is in a season of divine acceleration.  It is a time for you to take more territory.  It is a time to walk in more boldness.  Have you been doing it?  That didn't sound very enthusiastic.  I am not too impressed.  Have you been doing it?  Yes!

Do you ever have moments in time where you feel like God just pulls back the curtain and lets you peer into your destiny, your future, your life, your family, our ministry?  I had one of those times just this month.  September, this month, has been Aglow's month to pray for President Bush.  There are several ministries, they obviously have taken every month throughout the year, and September was the month that Aglow chose.  So this has been our month to pray for President Bush.  Next month it is going to Eagle's Wings, Robert Stearn's ministry.  So each ministry is picking up a month to pray for the nation.

I have had the privilege of being involved in two nationwide prayer meetings.  I am on the West Coast, so my call comes at 9:00pm, but I am praying primarily with women on the East Coast, so they pray from 12:00pm until 1:00am this entire month for President Bush, for his leadership, for wisdom, for strength, for courage, for the Holy Spirit to enlighten him.  What an awesome experience it has been to join with, I think the last call had twenty-five or thirty women.  There were perhaps that many area codes on the line.  Women interceding in the night hours for President Bush and our nation.

Recently I was driving down the freeway, in fact Sandy Wezowicz was with me, going to dinner.   We left Edmonds and we are driving down to the heart of Seattle, and my cell phone rang.  Hello, I am driving, Hello.  Jane this is Senator Brownback.  Oh, hello!  And we began to have - I don't know, Sandy, how many minutes -ten minutes - fifteen minutes conversation.  He wanted to know what I was hearing the Lord say.  He wanted to know that Aglow was behind the nation.  Behind those in leadership that are Christian leaders, praying on behalf of this nation.  He has asked if we could continue to have contact from time to time.  There are others in the DC area, Alice Holland and Pat Chen was at this gathering, and others from that region who are very involved.  Alice has been a part of Capital Hill praying for I don't know how long, but very effective in that realm of prayer and the position that God has given her, the favor that God has given her.

God is using the women of this ministry to make a difference in this nation.  It was the very next day, Sandy was visiting the office, and we had planned two days of meetings.  So we were very intent on what we were about and a phone call came, and I was being asked to speak with a key leader from a very key nation in the Middle East.  And so in my desire to stay on track with what we were doing I said well, could I speak with this gentleman tomorrow?  They said, well, tomorrow he is meeting with Vice President Cheney, Senator Brownback, and he went down the list, and I said, well, oh, well, I will speak with him today.  I am blonde, but I am not stupid.

This gentleman, a key leader in a very hot nation in the Middle East, a believer, but a very key man, was staying with an Aglow leader in the eastern area of the United States.  And as she began to pour out her heart about what God has called this ministry to, what He has called women to, my understanding was at first it was like, yeah, yeah, well that is good, that is nice.  But that night, as he slept, God began to speak to Him.  I don't know if it was in a vision or a dream, but the next morning when he awakened, he spoke to this Aglow woman and said, I need to talk with you about the place of Aglow in the particular nation that I live in.  And he wants to work with the women of that nation.  Now, we do have Aglow in this particular nation and it is a hot bed, but he said I want to work with the women of this nation to begin to make quite an impact within the nation.  And God has given him favor to be able to make in roads in some very key ways.

I stand in awe of what God is unfolding.  I believe God is positioning us governmentally, and I am not entirely sure what that means, but that word has hovered over this ministry for some time.  There has been much praying by the women of Aglow in capitals within cities and states.  But I believe something is going to be linked with our capital, and even as women like Alice and the group of women that go with her to pray regularly for the leadership of this nation on capital grounds, I believe God is honoring these women for the way they have poured out their lives, poured out their prayer, poured out their heart, for this nation and I believe there is coming a greater linking.