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Isaiah 28:6

Proclaim His Goodness

Our schools are a spiritual gate for a rising generation of young people. A giant of hopelessness, godlessness, lawlessness, fear and frustration lurks at this gate. We see this manifest in increasing violence and death on our campuses. BUT, we are a giant-killing organization. We have been mantled with authority to turn back the battle at the gates (Isaiah 28:6).

  • Declare the goodness of God in our schools. Proclaim expectant hope and life in this generation of school children.
    Prayer walk or drive around schools, including preschools and daycares through colleges, in your community decreeing an invasion of Heaven’s atmosphere to bring life, peace, hope and protection into this generation.

  • Carry the Presence of God in our schools.
    Build relationships with the school aged generation that give opportunity to show the love of Christ and speak into their lives. Consider volunteering for school programs or helping with youth sports teams or performing arts groups. Find creative ways to bring the light of Christ to this generation. You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).

  • Be a Warrior and Champion for our schools.
    Ask God to show you prevailing spirits of darkness that have invaded schools in your community.  Ask God what His intention is for the young people in those schools then decree His purposes.

    At our Aglow Jubilee Conference the Lord spoke to us prophetically that we will grab entire people groups and pull them through the right-time window.  We are mantled with Glory that shall blind powers and principalities and shall shift the minds of people. So, take hold of these prophetic promises. In prayer, grab the generation of school children and pull them through to a new time – a time of knowing God and demonstrating His Kingdom in an unprecedented way.

  • Pray for the “gatekeepers” of your schools.
    Pray for teachers, administrators, school boards and auxiliary staff. Declare strength, encouragement and alignment with the mind of Christ. Pray for curriculum to be aligned with truth and presented in a godly manner.

    Declare that prayer returns to schools, along with the freedom to have Bible based activities.

Nancy McDaniel


Nancy McDaniel
Prayer Director
Aglow International