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Why Should We Speak in Tongues - Part 2

(Why Should We Speak in Tongues - Part 1 | Part 2)

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In the first part of our study we looked at many of the reasons why God has given us the gift of tongues.  In this part we continue our study.

Speaking In Tongues Strengthens Us

Most of us have marveled at how easily Olympic ice skaters whirl about the ice.  Although their skating looks effortless, it is the result of years of conditioning and training.  Those young skaters have practiced until leaps, spins, flying camels and double axles are executed with precision, and their bodies have grown strong and disciplined.

Something like this happens to us spiritually when we speak in tongues.  As we daily exercise our new spiritual gift, we begin to build spiritual muscles.  The more we practice speaking in tongues, the more we strengthen those spiritual muscles, building up our spiritual man for the contest of life.

The Scripture:  1 Cor. 14:4

"He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself."

1. What does speaking in tongues do? 

Edifying is an archaic way of saying "building up" or "strengthening."  The Living Bible says, "Speaking in tongues helps one grow spiritually."

But that is not all.

The Scripture:  1 Corinthians 14:4

"He who prophesies edifies the church."

2. What does the rest of that verse say?   

We might well ask ourselves if it isn't much better to strengthen the church than oneself personally.  Actually it is better to do both.  The person who is out there on the "battlefield" needs building up constantly.  He needs to grow spiritually.  That is one of the main purposes of speaking in tongues.

The Scripture:  1 Corinthians 14: 3, 5, 15

"Everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort... Everyone who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues unless he interprets...For this reason, he who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says."

3. What does prophesying do?   

4. What makes speaking in tongues equal to prophesy? 

This scripture may be a little confusing.  What it says essentially is that speaking in tongues is equal to prophesying if the prophesy is interpreted.  Therefore, in public, speaking in tongues should always be interpreted so that the church will understand what is being said.  Since prophesying and speaking tongues with interpretation are equal, we can say speaking in tongues with interpretation also encourages and comforts.

It Rests Us

The Scripture:  Isa. 28:11, 12

"With foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people to whom He said, 'This is the resting place, let the weary rest,' and, 'This is the place of repose.'"

5. How does this scripture say God will speak to His people?   

Does this sound familiar - foreign lips and strange tongues?  It should.  It's the experience of speaking in tongues.

6. What is the prophet's promise?     

For all of us, no matter how carefully we discipline our lives, we experience times when we are under stress, tension, and sometimes just plain physical weariness.  It is for these times that God has provided tongues as a great rest to His children.

The Scripture:  Isa. 40:31

"Those who hope (wait) in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

7. How do we renew our strength?   

Waiting on God always brings rest, and speaking in tongues while we wait on God is very restful, indeed.

It Releases Us to Praise and Give Thanks To God

God is so good that mere words seem too weak to express the reservoir of thanks we feel within.  Over and over in Scripture, He commands us to praise Him.  But we lack the ability - and even the words to do it.  Certainly, one of the main reasons God has given another beautiful, melodious language to those who will accept it is to provide us with a language in which we can praise Him continually, as He desires to be praised, in the words He provides - without limit, without our understanding.

The Scripture:  Acts 10:46

"For they heard them (the friends of Cornelius) speaking in tongues and praising God."

8. Finish this sentence:  "For they heard them speaking in tongues and …   

Very often when we speak in tongues, the Spirit is worshiping, praising and eulogizing God.  The Holy Spirit is magnifying the wonderful works of God through us.

How To Speak In Tongues

Before you can receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit or speak in tongues, you must receive Christ as your Lord and Savior and renounce all ties to the occult.  Remember you do not have to earn this blessing.  It is yours as a free gift.  There are three simple steps which will enable you to receive this precious blessing:  Relax, receive, respond.

1. Relax - physically first.  This will help you relax spiritually and emotionally.  Sit down somewhere comfortable.  You are in good hands - the hands of Jesus.  He is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

2. Receive - Simply and quietly ask Jesus in faith to baptize you in His Spirit.  When you have asked, believe that He has answered your prayer and receive the Spirit by faith.  Just open your mouth, take a deep breath, and in faith believe that He has answered your prayer and breathe in the Holy Spirit.

Remember you are doing this by faith, not by feelings.  You may not feel any emotional response.  The important thing is not what you feel, but what you believe.  Believe that you have received the Holy Spirit.  Let your heart reach out to God in praise and keep drinking even more deeply of the Holy Spirit.

3. Respond - The third step is your response to the Spirit, who is now beginning to fill your whole being.  Just as you have breathed in, you must breathe out - in praise to God, in faith for His blessing.

Begin speaking - not in your own native tongue but in a new language which the Spirit will give you.

Speaking in tongues is a miracle, a supernatural ability given by the Spirit.  We use our tongue and lips in just the same way we do when we speak in our native language.

When you speak in tongues, the physical part of it is just as natural as any other time you exercise your powers of speech.  The miracle occurs when the Holy Spirit gives you words to speak in a language which you have never learned.  Acts 2:4 tell us, "They (the disciples) began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."

When you speak, it will be you who initiates it.  You will speak the words, but the Holy Spirit will give them to you.  The Holy Spirit will furnish you with sounds probably very different from any earthly language you know.  As the Spirit gives you the words, don't be afraid - speak them out.  Initially, you may receive only one or two words.  As you speak them out, the Holy Spirit will increase your vocabulary.  Once you begin to speak, keep it up. As you continue to exercise this gift of tongues, you can exercise it whenever you wish.

Exercise this ability several times a day.  Whenever you do, it will strengthen and bless you.  This is one gift of the Spirit which edifies the one who exercises it.

The Answers

  1. It edifies us.
  2. He who prophesies edifies (builds up) the church.
  3. It strengthens, encourages, and comforts.
  4. Interpreting
  5. With foreign lips and strange tongues
  6. "This is the resting place, let the weary rest," and "This is the place of repose."
  7. By waiting on the Lord
  8. Praising God.

All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Holy Bible,
New International Version (unless otherwise indicated)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, New International Bible Society
Copyright © 2003 by JoAnne Sekowsky