In GameChangers we are encouraged to ask the question, “Who will God be for me in this situation that He could not be at any other time?” In a time of crisis, where seconds counted, where I had to keep calm and hear His voice immediately, His Presence was my peace, my wisdom, my strong tower.
A few weeks ago I was walking my little dog, Yoshe around 5:00. Yoshe is a rescue, a sweet little guy, and the delight of many of the neighborhood children. As we were walking past our neighbor’s house, I could see their van coming, and their 5 year old leaning out the window calling, “Yosh! Yosh!”
Of course we stopped and waited for them so he could pet his little buddy. My neighbor had a house guest who owns a pit bull. The pit and their dog were barking aggressively at the fence just yards away. Not thinking, my neighbor’s daughter popped out of the van and opened their gate letting both the pit and their dog out. Both dogs rushed straight for Yoshe and violently attacked him clearly going for the kill. I was beating the pit with my fist as hard as I could with no effect.
I knew if I was going to save Yoshe’s life I had to remain calm and listen to the Holy Spirit. My attention was drawn to the pit’s eyes, but nothing registered. I said, “Lord, I know you are trying to tell me something, but I’m not getting it. We’ll have to move on.” Then my attention was drawn to the dog’s front leg and the thought came to grab her leg and jerk it as far back, and as hard as I could. This caused her to break the grip of her jaws and Yoshe was able to get free.
Our vet is only 2 blocks away, and thankfully it was just after 5:00 so I knew they would still be there to treat him right away. The vet said Yoshe was "lucky", the pit had missed all of his vital organs, but the damage was severe.
Two weeks after the attack the vet finally removed the last of the staples and Yoshe is making a full recovery. Every time we went to the vet during those 2 weeks he would shake his head saying he didn’t know how this dog survived the attack.
I also sustained some injuries during the attack, and when I was at the ER the doctor told me that in a life or death situation like that to go for the attacking animal’s eyes. That is what the Lord was trying to tell me, but I just didn’t get it, so in His Mercy He showed me another way.
Several people have asked how my neighbor relations are going after such an event. God is using this situation to His glory there too. My neighbor said she couldn't believe how calm I was through the whole thing, and that I figured out what to do. It was an open door to witness about listening to the Lord even in extreme circumstances.
God even opened the door to show an act of kindness to my neighbor’s husband whose father recently passed away. In a conversation with him, he said that one of the hardest things about his father’s passing was that his dad didn't want a funeral, so closure was even that much more difficult.
A few months before, my husband and I were walking Yosh on the causeway, and we saw a family lighting sky lanterns at the beach. It was pretty clear that it was a funeral. Each family member said something, paused, and lifted their lantern gently to be carried away by the ocean breeze. It was beautiful. I told my husband that is what I wanted, so I actually bought a box of sky lanterns.
In a conversation with my neighbor I felt quickened to ask him if he wanted the lanterns so he could have his own memorial with his family at the beach. He was overwhelmed and said that would be the perfect way for he and his family to say good-bye to his dad.
I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit who made a way to change the game where there was no way. Situations like this, I believe, are where the rubber meets the road in our walk with God, and once again, He was right there with Mercy and with Grace.