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Angels at Conference

Sherry Anderson, Aglow State Leader for Florida, had a very unique experience at the recent 2022 We Know Conference in St. Louis, MO. While it is a very personal experience, we thought you would be blessed, as well.

 “On Saturday morning during the worship time, I saw in the Spirit realm. It was in black and white. I saw angels standing shoulder to shoulder on the platform. All the space was completely filled with angels. I heard them say, ‘We had to be here!’ It was as though they were saying, ‘We did not want to miss this gathering!’ My breath caught and for a moment, I could not move or breathe. Out of my mouth came a cry, ‘Holy! Holy! Holy!’ over and over. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I could no longer see them, rather, I saw all the leaders and worship team on the stage in technicolor again. 

Again on Saturday night, this happened again during worship, only this time, the angels not only filled the stage, but they filled the area in front of the stage. They, again, stood shoulder to shoulder. As I saw them so close to me – I was on the front row – I had to catch myself from falling backward and again, the words, ‘Holy! Holy! Holy!’ came forth from my mouth.

During the last session on Sunday morning with Dutch Sheets, I saw each angel ‘jet’ off, one after another at a great speed as if they had been commissioned for a purpose. 

As I returned home and pondered this further, I remembered that Tim Sheets said in the first session that governmental angels were with us to receive assignments. I, also, thought about how people in the Bible who encountered angels were overcome by the Holiness of God. Angels come from His Presence and that is why Holiness overwhelms us.’

As Jane Hansen Hoyt shared in her Friday morning conference message, she has experienced two encounters with angels in her room. Here is an excerpt from Jane’s message: 

“Interestingly, I have had this happen twice in the last month or two. I was awakened out of a sound sleep and the entire ceiling of the bedroom was filled with angels. I just laid there quietly watching… Several nights later, I was awakened again and there were 3 angels. This time, I said, after a long, quiet pause, ‘Is there anything you want to say?’ No answer. Just peaceful quietness. Something is happening and I do not mean in a demanding way, but in an expectant way, let us expect or look for things that would come to us that would be meaningful in our lives. I believe the Holy Spirit is stirred in a way that I sense a newness and excitement and expectancy.”

To read Jane’s conference message in its entirety click “Legacy Builds Identity”. 

If you would like to share your personal experience while attending the recent conference or while participating by webcast, we would love to hear your testimony