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Monday 9/9 AM Session

48 nations from around the globe have gathered in Jerusalem for the 2019 Aglow Jerusalem Convocation. Even though we are from so many different cultures, and carry different sounds, we are of one Kingdom culture and carry one unified Kingdom sound.

Read the blog from the Monday Morning Session:

Prepare the Way of the Lord

48 nations from around the globe have gathered in Jerusalem for the 2019 Aglow Jerusalem Convocation. Even though we are from so many different cultures, and carry different sounds, we are of one Kingdom culture and carry one unified Kingdom sound.

Jane opened the meeting with Psalms 122 – I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem.

Glenda Fleming — God is going to make a mighty sound out of Jerusalem during the conference. God delights in making sounds in Jerusalem – the cross, the stone of the tomb being rolled away, the sound of the mighty rushing wind in the Upper Room that filled the place. There’s going to be a sound of abundance of rain in the nations and the cities, a sound that heals the sick and raises the dead. Prepare your hearts for His increased sound, to see signs and wonders shaking the earth.

It’s All About His Presence

There has always been a sound that has come from Aglow. Even from the early days it was the sound of worship. The most important thing was worship and His presence.

At a board meeting a few years ago Glenda asked Jane, “What do YOU want to see in Aglow?”

Jane answered swiftly, “The presence of the Lord.”

Although we have meetings, and meetings are good, in this hour He is calling us up higher to spend time in His presence. God is stirring us to be dissatisfied with what we’ve known, and move into a new place.

In this new era we have to “feel our way” after God. That’s why our time with Him is so crucial. He is taking away the familiar to sharpen our focus so that all we see before us is His Son who is all, in all. He is making ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Dutch Sheets said that Aglow has moved from being prayer warriors, to becoming apostolic, prophetic watchmen on the wall. When we begin to look from Heaven’s point of view we speak that out in prayer.

Teach Your Daughters How to Wail

Jeremiah 9:17 – 20 “Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most skillful of them. Let them come quickly and wail over us till our eyes overflow with tears and water streams from our eyelids. The sound of wailing is heard from Zion… Now, you women, hear the word of the Lord; open your ears to the words of his mouth. Teach your daughters how to wail; teach one another a lament.”

Wailing means to pray, to get in touch with Heaven, to make a difference in the earth.

There is a hovering spirit over Aglow birthing something. There’s a stirring up within us. It’s the Holy Spirit calling us to wail.

We Are In A Transitional Time

Dutch Sheets said that this is a key time in Aglow. We need to think differently. Old thinking needs to be cut away from us. It’s a transformational time.

Aglow has always been known for light and fire. He wants to increase the fire. We’re at a place in Aglow where God is asking if we are content or if we want more.

It’s the apostolic role of the women that the enemy fears. The reason he fears it, is because Aglow is paving the way for what is about to happen, a new day is breaking. There’s a new mantle coming on women as we pave the way.

It is a season for pulling down and wearing a new mantle. Men won’t look at you the same. There is a merging in the body of Christ between man and woman as was ordained from the beginning.

Aglow has a voice that needs to be heard

In the waiting time God surfaces what’s in us, and removes what needs to go.

A powerful move of the Holy Spirit is coming to Aglow. It’s a new era – you haven’t seen anything yet. There is something of His presence, His hovering, His birthing over us that is going to shift us to a higher place.

Words that came out of IBOD

The International Board of Directors met earlier this week. Here are some of the words that came out of that meeting.

Tsunami — A tsunami of His glory is coming within the church, the world, and the body of Christ.

Deployment — The time of deployment is now. You are being deployed, you are prepared.

Trumpet — one IBOD member said she saw the trumpet and heard the sound of it being blown.

A New Move of the Spirit

Dutch Sheets said that this ministry is about to come into an anointing to birth, in reference to a fresh new move of the Spirit. A futuristic seed has been sown into Aglow. Aglow is geographically and spiritually positioned in a very purposeful way.

There is a knowing of one another. It’s not something He’s giving us a road map for. We are called to a different place, a higher place.

Trust the Aglow Leadership

It is a time to trust the leadership of Aglow. Aglow leaders spend time in prayer and worship, and the Holy Spirit is nudging us along the path. None of us have a desire to do our own thing or go our own way. He’s calling us as a body. We are a living entity. We need to trust the leadership to guide us.

We Want Christ

Don’t look to your behavior as evidence of being good or not good – that’s after the flesh. You are redeemed and sanctified because of Who lives in you. He works quietly on the inside and keeps aligning us to Himself. We don’t just want good works, we want Christ. We want to see Him reproduced in the earth.

We are going to see some new things. Look for the new – don’t make it up – let it be Him. When it’s Him there is no doubt in anyone’s mind.

We are looking, we are watching, we are waiting with expectant hearts. We welcome you, Holy Spirit.

There are 4 ways to give a Convocation offering.

To hear the whole message subscribe to the webcast. You’ll have access to view the sessions until January 31, 2020, to watch them as many times as you like.