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As follow-up to the prophetic word given by Chuck Pierce during the 2017 Jubilee Conference regarding a coming move of God in Asia, a prayer walk was planned by Aglow Malaysia recently.

The day before the prayer walk, leaders were given a teaching on Air Supremacy and explanation was given about the assignment. The group of intercessors was kept small in order not to draw attention and consisted of the Regional leader and the National Board members. There was a time of briefing with the 5 “frontline” intercessors and the 5 “base-camp” team members who stayed behind to cover the group in prayer.

Keeping in mind specific promises and prophetic words given to Malaysia that “a tsunami of revival will be coming” and Malaysia’s Destiny is to be “a Revival Catalyst for the Golden Gate nations”, the intercessors departed for Putrajaya which is the seat of government in Malaysia.

The group went to the following strategic places to pray:

  1. Prime Minister’s office — This time there are more Christian cabinet ministers as this is a political tsunami of a totally new party that has defeated the old corrupt regime of 60 years. Prayer for strength, wisdom and compassion for the Prime Minister to fulfil his promises made to the people during his election nearly two years ago.
  2. Government Mountain — Seat of government: there is a sense of contention among the cabinet ministers. Prayed for Christians to take up positions and be an influence as leaders with servant ears, prayed for humility and integrity against pride, lust of power and corruption. A good amount of time was spent on this Mountain to press into what the Spirit was showing.
  3. The 13 States represented by 13 flags — Prayed for two states in Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, at this crucial time of political unrest.
  4. The multi races — There is a prophecy of Malaysia being a rainbow nation which represents the unity of different races. (Rainbow nation was originally God's symbol of covenant with man). Prayed for reconciliation, trust and peace amongst the different ethnic groups. And established the Majesty, Supremacy and Sovereignty of God. Released God’s governmental order.
  5. Religion Mountain — Authority was taken over the stronghold of the religious spirit, idolatry and called the church to arise and come out of complacency.
  6. Business Mountain — Prayer at a business park was appropriate for the marketplace people like the Full Gospel Businessmen to have influence on the economy.
  7. Education Mountain — Prayer for the Minister of Education, the teachers and curriculum.
  8. Arts and Entertainment Mountain — Called all the art and entertainment events to come into alignment with God’s creativity so to have a godly influence on the culture of the nation.
  9. Media Mountain — Called forth Christian journalists to be bold to make truthful and accurate reporting.
  10. Family Mountain — Declared “Male/Female Reconciliation” over families, prayed for hearts of children to turn to fathers, healing of relationships and declared good fathering against the “orphan spirit”.

As a result of the prayer walk, the intercessors believe the following is linked with the prayers declared at the seat of government:

  • On April 12, there was news that construction of the Malaysian ECRL ( East Coast Rail Link) was given the go ahead after much negotiations with China. The new government has realigned and renegotiated this massive project with China from $66 billion to $44 billion which saves the government a third of the cost. This is so welcome because the previous corrupt government had caused the national debt to run into a trillion dollars.
  • On April 17, for the first time, the King of Malaysia issued a Good Friday greeting. For the first time, there was a cinema showing of a Christian movie from Good Friday to Easter.
  • The government also gave permission for Christians who work to take leave on Good Friday.

With the prayer journey being conducted at the time of Easter, it was felt that the Resurrection power of Christ was there with them. Aglow Malaysia plans more prayer walks in the future. It is a new day for the nation of Malaysia!