The Columbia, MO Lighthouse recently held a tea party for a taste of fun and to celebrate friendships. It was hosted by Tixieanna Dissmore, President of the Lighthouse.
Each table was elegantly set, and every place setting was beautiful! Each had a full set of China and a gift bag. There were cake plates in the center with delicious mini cakes and a beautiful fresh flower arrangement that was gifted to someone at each table.
The food buffet had cucumber sandwiches and several other sandwiches to choose from along with Swedish meatballs, a fruit bowl, coconut pie, and so many delicious choices.
Heather Allen led in a time of anointed worship. Susan Malone shared a devotional, and Julie Paulsen gave us lighthearted information about tea.
Two video clips were shown of the Revelation Churches reminding us to maintain our first love. People will try to draw you out of love into hate. Stay in love!
Many ladies from surrounding cities were present including the North Missouri Aglow Area Board members, Liz Clair, President and Rita Frazier, V P. Of Lighthouse Development.
In trying times, as well as good times, it is good to remember that the Joy of the Lord is our strength and that Joy is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit.