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Carol O’Brion, Roseburg, OR Community Lighthouse President
Carol O’Brion, Roseburg, OR Community Lighthouse President

In response to the A-Company Team Rewards Challenge that ended at the end of June, Carol O’Brion, President of the Roseburg, OR Community Lighthouse asked her Regional Director, Karan Reed, to encourage those attending the monthly outreach meeting to join A-Company. Carol said, “Karan did an excellent job in explaining what A-Company is, how important it is to come alongside of our Headquarters office, and what a difference it will make as more and more people join.” 

Carol was so excited as each form was gathered and she filled out the envelope to mail them into Headquarters. Carol said, “I sent in 10 completed forms for new A-Company members from our Lighthouse! I was so touched as I saw that a homeless couple who attended our meeting also joined! They completely understand this monthly commitment and are thrilled to partner with Aglow to see the Kingdom of God expand around the world.”

As we received the envelope from the Roseburg Lighthouse, our hearts were humbled as we thought about just how possible it is for one of our prophetic words to come to pass. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people will give into the Presence of God in our midst. Maybe this challenge will catch on like the summer challenge for teens and preteens to now 50 years during their summer break. Wouldn’t it be cool if each Lighthouse took the challenge to ask their attendees to become part of A-Company and then took a picture of the group, holding up a sign that reads, “We took the A-Company Challenge!” While the A-Company Team Rewards Challenge might be over, reaching our first hundred thousand has just started. Won’t you get a group and take the challenge? Send us a picture!

As you know, the Roseburg Lighthouse worked to get as many people signed up for A Company as possible. A couple who attends our meetings has been homeless for years. It's dangerous to sleep on the street. They have disabilities. They are just precious people who have had a rough time of it but love Jesus and come to church regularly. They each separately signed up for A Company in June. I made sure they understood it was a monthly gift, and they were all for it.

Last Sunday, July 21, I greeted them at church as usual but they were shiny clean smiling, and not timid! They bubbled with joy telling me how the Lord had provided a furnished apartment for them and they just knew it was because they partnered with God for Aglow A Company! They were finally able to sleep on a real bed!

They were so grateful, praising Jesus all the way! I just had to share this story with you! Not only did we have the most sign-ups here in little Roseburg, but lives were changed because of it! This is an answer to prayer! This is what Aglow offers our community and the nations! God has blessed us beyond what we could ask or think! Wow! Thank you so much for persevering!