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The Anchor Holds

In spite of bad weather, being stranded at Dallas airport for hours, and luggage being shredded, our Texas speakers arrive safely and the South Missouri Spring Conference The Anchor Holds in Branson, MO commenced.

Friday night - May 3rd

The Friday evening session was a night of gratitude, appreciation, and celebration. Attendees sharing testimonies of God's faithfulness, including great praise and worship by Belinda and Rusty Owens from the Glory Barn Church.

Saturday morning session - May 4th

Dee Bopp, Area President of South Missouri. All our hope is in Jesus. He is the Anchor of our soul. Dee said, “We've got to know Philippians 1:6 that He who began a good work in us will bring it to full completion developing and perfecting us. He is putting His super on our natural. Romans 12:4-11 We have been given gifts and talents and He wants us to use them. He wants to be big through us, yes....US! There is no Calvary coming. WE are the Army of God!”

Afternoon session

Carol Torrance the South Central Regional Director said, “God wants to use His people in ways we have never dreamed of. If you are breathing you have a purpose. Stop thinking you are too old. Stop thinking you are too young. God wants to use young people and old people carrying the torch together. Presence Power, and Glory are being poured out in new ways and we are partakers and doers.

We have on the armor of God. It's all Jesus! Get dressed! Stand up and stretch and say like Caleb, ‘Give us our mountain!

Evening session

Loauada Raschke ordained Minister, Worship Leader, TV Evangelist from Kerrville, Texas. She shared a testimony of victory from growing up in a dysfunctional family to praising her way through a divorce in the middle of going through cancer, radiation, and chemo only to come back stronger and more determined to see the captive set free.

Jeremiah 29:11 God says For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God is good! No matter what we are going through. Our soul is anchored when we tap into the Spirit of God. The God kind of Hope reaches into the Holy of holies behind the veil. Learn to agree with what God says!

The conference finished with a time of Activation. Renewed dedications, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, fresh fire, healings, and deliverance from strongholds.

Many lives were touched and changed. To God be the glory!

The Presence of God at Aglow gatherings have changed countless lives in nations around the world. We would love to hear how your life has been changed through Aglow.