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Elbert County National Day of Prayer

Nancy Wiswell, VP of Financial Development on the CO South Central Area Team said, “I can remember going to Kiowa, CO for the National Day of Prayer 10 or 15 years ago, and we were excited if we had a dozen people there. But this year we gathered at the same place, in front of the old County building, for the National Day of Prayer and we had over 100 people show up to pray for our nation. Glory to God!”

At our first planning meeting, our team had four Aglow women, and we were blessed to have 4 to 6 local pastors who showed up! They had some great ideas for the National Day of Prayer. We decided to begin meeting for the four Sundays prior to the National Day of Prayer. Each week we gathered at the flagpole of a different School in Elbert County at 1:00 pm after church, to pray over that school. We were so pleased to see 20 to 30 prayer warriors each time!

We also put up signs around the community for the May 2nd event, posters in the coffee shops, and delivered postcards to the churches to hand out. Our event culminated at 5:30 pm on the National Day of Prayer in front of the county building, with just a simple program of praise songs and gathering in small groups to pray.

We thank God for all the powerful prayers that went up to His Throne for our state and country! He is a good, good Father!”

Aglow is a visual aid in communities to be the hands and feet of a loving Father to a world who may view Him as uncaring and harsh. We are present to change their mindset about Him, to taste and see that He is GOOD!