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North Idaho Area Team

Four friends, Kim Tanner, President of North Idaho Area Team, Elaine Olson, VP of Financial Development on Coeur D’Alene Community Lighthouse, her daughter, Pam Hopper, and Sherrie McIntyre, Aglow attendee, with a call to the Capitol traveled from Post Falls to Boise Idaho (7+ hours) for an event that was being held in all 50 states on April 13th. Based on Esther 4:13, we fasted, we prayed, and we stood for “such a time as this”. (The movement’s theme.)

We attended a prayer meeting in Meridian on Friday evening held at Capitol Church in preparation for the next day. Powerful declarations and visions were shared as we all worshiped our God together. Beth Hopper shared a powerful vision of seeing the sandal of Jesus stepping on the ground/stairs of our Capitol with His power and it cracked the ground.

Saturday began with an Idaho Capitol building visit where we met a local church group that prayed there every month. There was a beautiful, heavenly sound that flooded the building as a man blew his shofar.

We volunteered to walk through the crowd praying and passing out communion. Some of us got to share God’s love with a few peaceful protesters who were there. We are praying that the Esther anointing oil on our hands was a seed planted as we touched them and loved them.

The event was filled with amazing worship and praise for Jesus. Many powerful testimonies from all ages and walks of life. There were politicians who love the Lord, musicians, pastors, and people, even children with testimonies and singing, one man Jesus saved from a homosexual lifestyle, and one man was a musician who was saved from a life of crime and gangs.

Later in the program a young girl shared her testimony of being bullied into questioning whether she was supposed to be a boy. We were surprised and elated to find out that her dad was the musician who had shared his testimony earlier, and then they sang a new song that she wrote and is now playing on local radio. God is so amazing!! Overall, it was a powerful time of unity of the churches and our country lifting up and worshiping our Jesus together!

How are you using the influence that God has given you in your community to share with others what Christ means to you? We would love to hear your Aglow group’s story. 

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