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We Cannot Be Silent

An excerpt from Jane Speaks, a blog by Jane Hansen Hoyt - God is Not Confused

As I have watched the unfolding of gender confusion being taught in public schools, as a mother, a grandmother, and an apostolic leader of a global movement, I find myself deeply disturbed. It affects each of us and we must not remain silent. . . .

For as long as I have been President of Aglow, you have heard me say many times through the years from the beginning in Genesis 1, God created man in His image, both male and female. From man’s side, He made woman. In Genesis 1:28 He blessed them and told them both to be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, and take dominion over it. Dominion was to be accomplished by male and female working together.

In the Garden, Satan, understanding women’s unique intended purpose, tried to gain the upper hand by turning her from the strength of her role. However, when God came in the cool of the evening, she exposed Satan as the deceiver, and he is still active as a deceiver today. Genesis 3:15 clearly explains why the hatred of women and the female gender is so sick, violent, and goes to the extreme levels it goes to in 2024. It began in the Garden and continues to this day.

As women and men who understand the ways of God and know our assignment in the earth, we must continue to expose Satan’s agenda and to crush his head through prayer and declaration. You and I are passionate advocates for this generation and generations to come. They are counting on us to breakthrough, tear down, and build up the significant, unique role of women in God’s plan for the nations of the world. We cannot be silent!

  • Lord, in the confusing messaging of the world, make me a clear voice of the truth of Your plans and Your Word. Help me be an advocate to bring generations into the freedom of Your ways.
  • Empower us to speak and to pray to crush the deception of the wicked one that people may be set free by Your eternal truth.
  • Let Aglow International be a sound of truth throughout the earth as women and men stand together.
  • You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:14-16

Prophetic Declarations – The New Has Begun

From the moment they are spoken, prophetic words belong to us and must become as real in our hearts as they are in the heart of God. As the prophetic word is spoken, see God standing in the future, speaking back to you in the present. He is telling you who you are becoming. Be encouraged!

An excerpt of a message through Chuck Pierce in 2018

Now I am here to tell you, the new has begun. . . . The Lord would say, This is the beginning of a new outpouring in this ministry. It is going to pour out. Do not despise the pressing out that is about to come, for it will create the pouring out. . . . Revisit places where you have prayed in the past. You will go back to places you have sent teams and prayed and I will be there waiting on you. As you go back to these places, what was prayed in one season, I will pour out in this season. . . . Watch as I raise up the teams to re-visit the places where I will be waiting when they re-visit. That will cause the outpouring of what is being held in Heaven to come into the earth. Revisit your promises. Re-visit the times you have asked Me to do things, for when you re-visit them, I will be waiting to pour out the visitation of your re-visitation. This is the beginning of bringing back that which got caught through wilderness times and pouring it out now in the right time. The re-visitation for Aglow International has begun and this will produce an outpouring that will unlock and cause an overflowing that has not been seen before.

  • Lord, we stand in faith with empowered belief for the fulfillment of everything You have led us to pray.
  • We declare, “The Lord is in the House of Aglow!” We stand in expectancy of the fulness of Your Glory manifest throughout the nations through this ministry.
  • Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. – Isaiah 60:1-2

A New Day

Aglow U.S. National Conference – November 7-10 in Dallas, Texas

Surrounding the Nations in Prayer

Pray for Israel

Continue to pray for the crisis in Israel. Decisions to navigate these difficult times require wisdom that must come from God.

  • Pray for leaders in Israel along with the Israeli Cabinet and the Knesset. Pray the wisdom of God prevails in their hearts to bring them into unity for the best actions of Israel.
  • Pray for leaders in America, Europe, and the Muslim countries - pray they are unified in the best way to support Israel at this time.
  • Pray the forces of evil against Israel are dismantled - both spiritual forces and enemies of Israel. Lord, send myriads of angelic warriors to protect and defend Israel.
  • Protect and release the hostages held in Gaza.
  • The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion. In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me. He shall set me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore, I will offer sacrifices of joy in His Tabernacle. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!

Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Do not hide Your face from me. Do not turn Your servant away in anger. You have been my help. Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me. – Psalm 27:1-10

Pray for Iran

Following the death of Iran’s President, elections and a new political regime are in preparation in Iran. This is an opportunity for a realignment of power and a realignment of strategies and alliances.

  • Pray evil systems that control Iran will be exposed and dismantled. Pray the axis of evil is crushed and this author of global terrorism is silenced. Lord, realign Iran!
  • Pray for the protection of the common citizens of Iran.
  • Pray for Christians in Iran. Pray for their protection. Pray they are an influence for righteousness in this chaotic time.
  • Pray for Israel and America as these nations have been so openly targeted by Iran.

Elections Worldwide

2024 is an unprecedented election year. Globally, more voters than ever in history will go to vote in at least 64 countries. Many of these elections will prove consequential for years to come. As the Ecclesia, the legislative assembly of Heaven on earth, this is an important time for us to pray for the fullness of God’s purposes in the nations.

  • If your nation has a significant national election this year, pray urgently for God’s Hand to move decisively on behalf of your nation. Then, pray for elections in other nations.
  • Local and regional elections are also very important. Pray for those elections closest to you.
  • Pray for strength and courage of Believers to hear God’s Heart as they pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in their nations.
  • Pray that the power of God dismantles any schemes of darkness that might come against fair, honest elections or against any candidates.
  • Pray the election process is fair, legal, and free of corruption or manipulation.
  • Pray for citizens to discern truth as they consider candidates.
  • Pray for election outcomes that bring nations into alignment with the Goodness of God and position nations for a great move of God.
  • Pray for these key elections scheduled in June in these nations: Mexico, Belgium, Czech Republic, Mauritania, Mongolia, Guinea Bissau, Iceland.
  • Note: This may not be a complete list of elections. Please pray for those you know about that are not listed here. God hears the prayer and declarations of His people.

Summon the Nations!

Aglow Int’l is called to take the Light of Jesus, bring hope and build the Kingdom in all communities, cities and nations.

  • Pray for Aglow in your Region of the world to arise as a strength in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
  • Pray for nations where Aglow has not yet built a community of Kingdom believers. Lord, open the doors and resource Aglow to propel the Kingdom in these nations!
  • Pray for the Ecclesia in these nations to grow in understanding and support of Israel.
  • Has the Lord put special burden in your heart to pray for a specific nation? He is giving that nation to you as part of His inheritance (Psalm 2:8). Pray daily for people of that nation to awaken to God’s Presence!

Aglow in the Gates of Nations

We are praying for Aglow to be affiliated in every nation of the world. We are very close to reaching that goal. Let’s continue to move forward together, a company of champions and global leaders of significance, to see Every nation touched, every heart changed.

  • Declare Awakening throughout the nations of the earth!
  • Lord, empower Aglow people in these nations to hasten Your Great Awakening.
  • Pray for passion to fulfill Jesus’ apostolic commission to establish the Kingdom of God in each nation.
  • Lord, open the gates of nations to the King of Glory!
  • Lord, stir a deep compassion in me for the people of these nations.
  • Pray there is an opening for Aglow International to cultivate a presence in every nation that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation and restoration.
  • Pray for Christians in every nation to grow in courage and an overcoming spirit.
  • Pray also for these European nations where Aglow has a presence. Pray for a greater influence for the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for new leaders to arise. Pray for younger generations as they respond to the call of leadership in Aglow.
  • Complete list of Operation Every Nation nations and their capital cities.
  • Aglow Global Prayer provides prayer information for every nation.

More Ways to Propel the Kingdom

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel. (Be sure to turn on notifications to receive a message each time new content is added.)
  • Weekly Israel-Islam Prayer Call every Monday at 7 PM Pacific/ 10 PM Eastern. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Note and A Prayer

Recently, quite a number of Aglow leaders at every level have shared testimony after testimony of fresh Aglow activity – new things that the Lord doing. I sense that the field of Aglow is already rising in that which is prophesied by our 2024 US Aglow Int’l conference theme - A New Day. Every time we prophesy A New Day as we announce the conference, share an email or see something about it on the web, God is opening up a wider space and fresh territory for A New Day in Aglow to manifest. Wherever you are in the world, A New Day is rising in Aglow. God is doing new things that are springing up by His Spirit. Expect to see a new move of His Spirit in new ways. Then, run with Him! Celebrate Him! A New Day!

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness to Aglow Int’l and Your faithfulness to each one in the Aglow family worldwide. Your goodness is overwhelming! I declare that this is a time of fruitfulness throughout the ministry. For every prayer that has been offered and every labor of love that has been freely given, cause new fruitfulness to spring up! Send Your rivers of life into every place that has seems dry and desolate. Our eyes are fixed firmly on You as we celebrate A New Day in Aglow!

God bless you as you pray,


Nancy McDaniel
Prayer Director
Aglow International
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