Open Your Heart – Watch God Work
Here is an excerpt from Jane Hansen Hoyt Today. Watch Him Work
Something that I feel is important is to bring all of our expectations to the Lord. Bring them to the foot of the cross. It's simply laying down your life and opening your heart. An open heart is key. Open your heart and let God flow in – out with people, and circumstances, and things. Don't try to control it all. Yield up control and let Him know that you know He's in control. His heart for you is always good, and His desire for you is to grow up into Christ, to be like Christ in all ways.
We don't always do that. We all have places in our hearts that He's working on. Yield your life, yield your circumstances, yield your entire being to God, and let Him have control. Let go in a new way and watch Him work. It's fun, it's interesting, to see what God will do over and above you. It makes you realize how much He cares about every nuance, every aspect of your life. He's working for you, not against you. Just let Him work. Watch Him work.
- Lord, I rest in Your plans. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
- Thank You for the power of Your Spirit Who does more in me and through me than I can even imagine. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20
- Lord, I present my whole heart before you – all my desires, all my hurts, all my joys. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Glory Rising
Aglow Global Conference
September 14-17 in Jacksonville, Florida
In these uncertain times, God is reminding us that our best days are still ahead. Together we are stepping into the fullness of our destiny, both individually and corporately. We’re not stepping in with timidity and uncertainty, but with a confidence that comes from knowing that He has been equipping and preparing us for this day.
- Your Glory is rising in a full and unprecedented way! Lord, we step in confidently and partner with You to see Your Glory in the earth!
- Lord, we want You! We want to move with Your Glory! Lead Aglow into the fullness of Your calling and anointing! Lead us by Your Glory!
- Pray for an extraordinary encounter in God’s Presence.
- Pray for all the details for the conference to be marked by God’s favor: conference logistics, travel, health and safety.
- Pray for the Glory of God to flow through the airwaves to all those in each nation who are attending the conference by webcast. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. - Habakkuk 2:14
- Webcast registration is still available! Sign up now! Conference sessions will be available to view multiple times until January 31, 2024 for those who register for the webcast.
Prophetic Declarations – They Will Be Strong! They Will Preserve Nations!
Our prophetic words are our history given in advance. From the moment they are spoken, they belong to us and must become as real in our hearts as they are in the heart of God. As the prophetic word is spoken, see God standing in the future, speaking back to you in the present. He is telling you who you are becoming. Be encouraged! Make these declarations over yourself, over Aglow, over your nation!
An excerpt from Embrace Your Call
You have positioned this movement for such a time as this. This is an Esther organization. This is an Esther movement.
- They will not fail. They will prosper in these days.
- They will be the tip, the point. They will be a voice. They will be strong.
- They will represent the King with all of the King’s authority. They will rewrite decrees and expose Haman and his sons.
- They will preserve nations. They will preserve individuals, leaders, movements, cities, and nations.
- This group - not because of who they are, but because of Whose they are - they will be used by You in this season to bring millions of people into the Kingdom and to disciple millions of people.
- They will shift fully into an apostolic organization. They will be a prophetic organization, ministry. They will be an evangelistic, pastoral, teaching organization.
- They will be a ministry of intercession. They will birth things in the Spirit - they know how to do that and they will do that.
- They will pluck up and tear down and overthrow, but they will also build and plant.
- They are ready. They are a part of this prepared company You have been working on.
- They are a fresh wine skin, ready for the new wine.
Pray for Your Nation!
You have the authority of Christ in you to release the prayers that bring God’s Glory and Presence into your nation. As you declare the Word of God and the promises of God, He will release the fullness and favor of Christ through you. Ask Holy Spirit to lead you, and He will give you a specific strategy.
- Pray for spiritual awakening that people would experience the Goodness of God and that His Name would be glorified. Isaiah 60:1-2; 21-22
- Pray for justice. Psalm 146:7 - Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners.
- Pray for mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. Micah 6:8 - He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
- Pray for Aglow to be fruitful! Pray for Aglow leaders in your nation. Pray for people of all generations to grow in the grace of God and to walk in anointing for their callings in the Kingdom of God.
Summon the Nations!
Aglow Intternational is called to take the Light of Jesus, to bring hope, and to build the Kingdom in all communities, cities, and nations. Aglow will occupy in every town, village, and city around the world bringing Kingdom rule until Christ returns.
- God has raised up an entity in the earth that He is using in this hour. Aglow has taught us the amazement of really praying with God for the nations and the people of the world. – Jane Hansen Hoyt
- I will whistle for them and gather them, for I will redeem them. And they shall increase as they once increased. – Zechariah 10:8 NKJV
- Look! You will summon nations you’ve never heard of. Nations who have never heard of you will come running to follow you because Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, has glorified you. – Isaiah 55:5 TPT
- Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. - Joel 3:14
- Lord, the nations belong to You! Bring each nation into the fullness of Your plans. Bring people in each nation to the fullness of Christ by Your Spirit.
- What nation has God put on your heart? Ask Him for that nation to experience an unprecedented awakening in the Spirit of God. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. Psalm 2:8 Find details on nations at
- Lord, give me strategies for praying for the nations You lay on my heart. Reveal Your purposes. Show me how I can help bring the gospel and release Your Kingdom in these nations.
Help Victims of Trafficking
At our Global Conference in Jacksonville, Aglow International is adopting an organization that provides a needed service to our conference city. Aglow is blessing a non-profit organization called House of Grace. Their goal is to help the victims of sex trafficking and their families make the transition to a better life.
- Pray for those who bring practical and spiritual hope and healing to victims of trafficking. May they be encouraged, filled with wisdom and grace, and resourced in everything they need to bring the transforming love of God into the lives of those who have been so crushed.
- Pray for the victims of trafficking. Pray they are healed, filled with the love of Christ, and strengthened in their new lives of freedom.
- Ask God to show you how to bring hope and healing to victims of trafficking in your community.
Aglow in the Gates of Nations
We are praying for Aglow to be affiliated in every nation of the world. We are very close to reaching that goal. Let’s continue to move forward together, a company of champions and global leaders of significance, to see Every nation touched, every heart changed.
- Declare Awakening throughout the nations of the earth!
- Lord, empower Aglow people in these nations to hasten Your Great Awakening.
- Pray for passion to fulfill Jesus’ apostolic commission to establish the Kingdom of God in each nation.
- Lord, open the gates of nations to the King of Glory!
- Lord, stir a deep compassion in me for the people of these nations.
- Pray there is an opening for Aglow International to cultivate a presence in every nation that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation and restoration.
- Pray for Christians in every nation to grow in courage and an overcoming spirit.
- Pray also for these Asian nations where Aglow has a presence. Next month we will pray for more Asian nations. Pray for a greater influence for the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for new leaders to arise. Pray for younger generations as they respond to the call of leadership in Aglow.
- Complete list of Operation Every Nation nations and their capital cities.
- Aglow Global Prayer provides prayer information for every nation.
More Ways to Propel the Kingdom
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- Weekly Israel-Islam Prayer Call every Monday at 7 PM Pacific/ 10 PM Eastern. For more information email
A Note and A Prayer
How do I pray today? Do you ever wonder about that? I do! I knew how to pray about the situations I was facing yesterday, but suddenly I’m in a new set of circumstances. I find myself facing new challenges. The world has changed, and I have changed. Those changes have brought problems and issues that challenge how I pray!
Now, I need to know how to pray in a way that is relevant and powerful for the issues of today. God hasn’t changed! His Word hasn’t changed. I just need to step into a higher level of understanding and power for today’s situations. In Matthew 6 the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” I’ve thought about the disciples who asked that question. These were good Jewish men who had been taught to pray from childhood. They already prayed every day, and yet they asked Jesus to teach them to pray.
Perhaps they were thinking, “Everything as we’ve known it has changed. Now, we need to know how to pray today in a way that speaks to those changes.” This is an important question. When facing a new situation, Graham Cooke has taught us to ask two questions: “What does this mean, and what must we do?” Could I add a third question to that? How do I pray today?
Lord, we are facing things in the world today that can seem so perplexing. We know that You alone provide the solutions and the grace to go through troubling times. Yet, sometimes, we just don’t know how to pray in a way that aligns our hearts with Yours. Would You show us how to rise to higher levels of knowing You and following You? Would You teach us how to pray in fresh, relevant ways that release the fullness of Christ into our lives and into the circumstances we face? Lord, teach us to pray today.
God bless you as you pray,
Nancy McDaniel
Prayer Director
Aglow International