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Wherever Aglow is the water level rises

The Water Level Rises!

This is an excerpt from a transcription of a recent video message from Jane Hansen Hoyt. View the video message, "The Water Level Rises"

Note: This video message is extracted from Jane’s Friday morning message at the recent Aglow Int’l conference in St. Louis, WE KNOW

Mike Bickle spoke to us . . . One of the things he said was, “Wherever Aglow is, the water level rises.” Tuck that away in your heart because that’s a now word. Wherever Aglow is - you can be in a big city or you can be in a city of 100 people, but the word of the Lord is, “Wherever Aglow is, the water level rises” and you’re part of that.

  • He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. – John 7:38
  • Lord, release a fresh baptism of Your Spirit in me that causes Your Living Water to flow as a demonstration of Your power, Your goodness, and Your salvation to all around me.
  • Lord, thank You that Aglow is an oasis of Your refreshing and revival among people who are thirsty for You. Cause us to overflow with Your living water. Raise the level of spiritual awakening wherever we go.

Celebrate and Proclaim Jesus!

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6

Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” – Luke 2:10-14

  • Give daily praise to God, celebrating His awesome Presence in your life.
  • Proclaim His Name over your family, community, and nation.
  • Pray for a sudden revelation of His Glory in the lives of those you are praying for.
  • Pray for a sudden revelation of Messiah in the land of Israel and to the people of Israel.

Anti-Human Trafficking – Watch and Pray

Christmas - It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yet, for those trapped in human trafficking, that isn’t the case. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and all HIS wonderful gifts this month, remember labor and sex trafficking victims in prayer.

  • As winter grows colder, more homeless people will engage in ‘survival sex’ which is sex in exchange for food, clothing, or shelter. Pray for the provision of basic needs for homeless and trafficking victims. Look for opportunities to help.
  • Pray that victims know the peace and goodwill of Christ.
  • At this time of year when many are lonely, there are a higher number of people seeking sex for sale. Pray for the buyers, that they would find freedom and wholeness in Christ.
  • Pray that the glorious Light of Jesus breaks through the darkness of human trafficking to set the captive free.

Prayer for Nations

Lord, bless us, enlarge us and empower us to take territory for Your Kingdom. May we always walk with your Hand of guidance and favor upon us. Crush evil as we walk in Your Presence and power, and keep us from harm. May we carry Your blessing, demonstrate Your goodness and walk in Your love as we carry Your Name to subdue the works of darkness and release Your glory in the earth. (Adapted from I Chronicles 4:10)

Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. – Isaiah 60:1-2

  • Pray for your nation – Where do you see the greatest need for a breakthrough of the glory of God upon your nation? Declare His Majesty and Glory. Expect miracles!
  • Pray for the nations surrounding yours.
  • Declare the rulership of the Prince of Peace in each nation and in the relationships between nations.

Prophetic Declarations

Our prophetic words are our history given in advance. From the moment they are spoken, they belong to us and must become as real in our hearts as they are in the heart of God. As the prophetic word is spoken, see God standing in the future, speaking back to you in the present. He is telling you who you are becoming. Be encouraged!

An excerpt from I Give You the Key:

Lord, I release the Isaiah 22:22 anointing of government, I release the revelation of level 12 to come to these ladies, I release it to the prayer movement around the world. I say, you are going to go through 11 and you are going to get all the way to 12, He is going to clear out all of the cobwebs, and all of the wrong thinking and He is going to show you how to go to that level of Kingdom Authority and take the key. You are going to open doors that cannot be closed and you are going to close doors that nobody can open. We release it on you! 22 is your number! We decree it now in Jesus’ Name. – Dutch Sheets

This is the key to Heaven. It is to unlock revelation and truth and courage and strength and power and passion for this hour. . . We are experiencing a paradigm, a shift into the new, to move from the present into the future. We will cast off restraint. We will cast off fear. We will cast off reluctance. We will cast off self-focus, self-absorption, and self-realization, and we will move into the future and destiny. – Jane Hansen Hoyt

  • Lord, we take hold of everything You have given to this ministry and step into the fullness of Your promises and provision.
  • Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome – Numbers 13:30

Aglow in the Gates of Nations

We are praying for Aglow to be affiliated in every nation of the world. We are very close to reaching that goal. Let’s continue to move forward together, a company of champions and global leaders of significance, to see Every nation touched, every heart changed.

  • Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you. – Habakkuk 1:5
  • Lord, empower Aglow people in these nations to hasten Your Great Awakening.
  • Thank You, Lord, for Your overcoming spirit in Aglow throughout the world. Be encouraged as you share these fresh testimonies of the Goodness of God!
  • Lord, love the world through me! Show Your goodness through me!
  • Pray for passion to fulfill Jesus’ apostolic commission to establish the Kingdom of God in each nation.
  • Pray that an Aglow Prayer Group will be established in the capital cities of every nation.
  • Pray for Aglow to establish powerful Kingdom Communities founded on the fullness of Christ in every nation.
  • Pray there is an opening for Aglow International to cultivate a presence in every nation that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation, and restoration.
  • Pray for Christians in every nation to grow in courage and an overcoming spirit.
  • Pray also for these Middle Eastern nations where Aglow has a presence. Next month we will pray for more European nations. Pray for a greater influence for the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for new leaders to arise. Pray for younger generations as they respond to the call of leadership in Aglow.
  • Complete list of Operation Every Nation nations and their capital cities.

More Ways to Propel the Kingdom

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel. (Be sure to turn on notifications to receive a message each time new content is added.)
  • Weekly Israel-Islam Prayer Call every Monday at 7 PM Pacific/ 10 PM Eastern. For more information email
  • Aglow Global Prayer provides prayer information for every nation.

A Note and A Prayer

In spiritual warfare, it is vitally important that we remember “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). While we are warring passionately and fiercely against evil, it is easy to become impassioned against people who seem to represent that evil. Yet, remember that God desires their salvation and is committed to bringing each one to a point of decision to follow Him wholly. Our Lord desires first to save, to redeem, to call people into the fullness of His cross. So, we take our place of Air Supremacy over the powers of darkness, and we stand in the gap for the salvation and deliverance of people who are ensnared by the lies of the wicked one. Come, Lord Jesus, to deliver us from evil and to bring the glories of Your Kingdom into our lives on earth.

Lord, I lift up Aglow intercessors around the world as they are praying for their nations. Give them strength and courage in spiritual warfare. Increase their discernment to recognize the lies of the wicked one. Give them strategies to dismantle structures of evil in their nations. Lord, overwhelm each Aglow intercessor with Your goodness and Your blessing. Cause Your goodness to overflow and establish Your peace in our nations.

Nancy McDaniel, Aglow Prayer Director


Nancy McDaniel
Prayer Director
Aglow International