Global Leader Development Resources
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2024 Aglow U.S. National Conference
- God’s Call Upon Aglow Has Never Diminished - Jane Hansen Hoyt
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In the Friday morning session, Jane recaps the history of Aglow from our very beginnings to the present day. - Unlocking Our Bone Marrow - Chuck Pierce
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In the Friday evening session, Chuck talks about unlocking our bone marrow and how the Lord has need of us. - Synergy of the Generations - Jen Tringale
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In the Saturday evening session, Jen Tringale talks about the synergy of the generations.
South-Central Regional Conference
- Message to Aglow - Chuck Pierce - South-Central Regional Conference
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In this message Chuck Pierce talks about Aglow coming into phase five of our prophetic anointing.
A Word for Aglow
I hear the Lord saying to you today, “Listen to the wind words of Holy Spirit, Aglow. They are penetrating your times and activating power to shift nations. (plural) For you have come to an appointed time. Another supernatural mega-event has been planned by Heaven. It is accelerating into the earth realm and I am calling you to participate. I call you to engagement. Lucifer, his kingdom rulers of darkness will not stop it, for you will see My Kingship manifest upon the earth in new ways. New levels of My reigning power will reach into the governments of nations. Dictators, oligarchs, hierarchies, and family dynasties that run with the camp of Beelzebub - those who run on demon errands - will be confronted and stopped by My power rising exponentially in new places, in new ways, and through new and renewed sons and daughters of all generations.
For I am releasing new mantels for new times. I feel that today - new mantles for new times. New anointing reserved for this era is being poured from Heaven as My supply river flows from My Throne through all My Ecclesias into the earth realm. It will not be one outpouring, it will not be two outpourings, it will be a season of outpourings, says the Lord!
This new flow of Holy Spirit will cause the expansion of My Kingdom in ways and displays that have not been seen before. Indeed, the minds of man captured and bound by reason shall be blown, says the Lord. For it will be seen, I cannot be confined by reason. I cannot be confined by man's law. I cannot be confined by man's wisdom. I cannot be confined by the language of fools. I cannot be confined by capitals. I cannot be confined by Congress. I cannot be confined by parliaments. I cannot be confined by religion. None of earth or universe can confine me. I will break out against all confinements. The shattering of confinement has begun, says the Lord.
Yes, indeed, I have a surprise for you. I have new events planned. For yes, I have remembered My Words through the Prophet Joel. It is part of My supernatural event. I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh - the young and the old together. I now will give visions to the young men by the multiple thousands. They will now run with Me sounding forth awakening. I have put prophetic words in the heart of my handmaidens. Like Mary, they are highly favored and will prophesy. They will receive prophetic declarations to proclaim from their heart and they will speak My Word into the nations.
Also, as promised, says the Lord, My seasoned generations – I am glad that He didn't call us older. He is so smart - My season generations are being dreamed of again. Can you dream again? Will you dream again? I'm giving them new dreams and I'm activating old dreams. I'm anointing their dreams to break forth from confinement. Those called barren will produce. My Zacharias and Elizabeth will give birth to their dreams. They will sing with exuberance.
Holy Spirit’s hovering, flowing, overshadowing Presence will now birth new things! Yes! They will now spring forth, says the Lord. The presentation of My Ekklesias will now manifest in ways that have never been seen before. Church will be done in new ways as Holy Spirit blends the new with the renewed and He activates the Gospel of My Kingdom confirmed with great power. Great power signs that Heaven will reveal will now be seen.
It will be a message confirmed with creative miracles. I heard the Lord say recently that healings of paralysis would be a sign that His church is now free. They are coming. He knows how to do that. It will be a sign that His body is free! Angelic visitations will increase as I release My messengers with destiny messages. Revolution and change will be commonplace place in your land. Revelation, understanding, and enlightenment will accelerate in My sons and daughters. My DNA will be seen in them. My mind will be revealed in them as Holy Spirit guides. I will do exactly what I said I would do.
Mercy will flow in wave after wave for the Lord declares new births, new births, new births. I will now bear My arm and show My strength to the world. I will scatter the bluffing braggarts. I will knock tyrants off their high horse. I will pull victims out of the mud. I will sit the starving poor down to banquets. I will remember and embrace My chosen ones, piling on, favoring mercies, doing exactly what I told them I would do. I will be God with you.
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Aglow 2023 Conference Messages
- The Coming Tsunami - Tim Sheets - Friday AM Session
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Every war that has ever been fought on earth or in Heaven was fought because of the "self principle." The 'self problem' in each of us makes us strive. The question throughout time has been, "Who will take the throne?" And so, we come to our own 'self problem'. It's the same thing. Who will sit on the throne of our hearts? - My Ecclesia Will Prevail - Tim Sheets - Friday PM Session
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In the Friday evening session, Tim Sheets expounds on defining moments in history, and where we currently are in the plan of God. - The Feast of Trumpets - Asher Intrater - Saturday AM Session
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In the Saturday morning session, Asher talked about navigating these difficult times by relying on the Holy Spirit and the Word. - The Time to be Glorified - Asher Intrater - Saturday PM Session
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In the Saturday evening session, Asher talked about how to walk in victory in these end days.