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Aglow Gosnells

Aglow GosnellsLorraine Walker of Ascot Aglow for Couples in Australia recently shared a story about Aglow Gosnells who were celebrating their 35th Anniversary as an Aglow group.

Happy 35th Anniversary, Aglow Gosnells! Congratulations to Shelley, Carla, Denise, and the team for a wonderful honoring of our Aussie Founder, first National President, Joan Morton, late National President, Kerry-Ellen Logan, first President of Gosnells Aglow, Kathleen (Ward) Yuill, and some of her committee (in attendance), and long-time President and my wonderful late sister-in-law: Kaye Ballantyne.

It truly was a beautiful, well-organized gathering. A photo tribute on 3 screens brought back many memories. Kerry Phillips of Aglow Kalgoorlie brought a timely word on faith. The worship and catering were very "Aglow", as was the company with most W.A. Aglow branch leaders in attendance. Well done, Aglow Gosnells!

"Each attendee was given a beautiful gala cookie and a coin purse as a gift for joining in their 35th Anniversary! The coin purse was inspired by God and contained some gold coins and a scripture card. Each person was encouraged to use the purse to bless others in the community on an ongoing basis. While coins are still available, they realized that they needed to grasp this opportunity. Maybe one day the purse could contain food vouchers to help others. Thank you, Aglow Gosnells!"

Aglow groups span the globe touching people in over 170 nations! What is Aglow doing in your 'neck of the woods'? We would love to know. 

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