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Janae Lovern, International Field Director
Janae Lovern, International Field Director

At the end of January, Janae Lovern was invited as International Field Director to attend Aglow’s European Leaders’ Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. Aglow leaders from many nations of Europe gathered together in the presence of the Lord for a time of fellowship, discipleship, and instruction.

Nonnie McVeigh opened the conference up with a powerful message reminding us that, “we do not fight for victory, we fight FROM victory!” And, pastor and teacher Jack van der Tang and Tikkun Global’s Ron Cantor, taught inspiring and heart captivating messages.

During Friday’s afternoon session, in light of the conference theme “Come Up Higher,” the question was posed to the attendees “What does it mean to you to Come Up Higher?” Attendees split up into small groups to discuss together what it meant to them, leading to a very engaging and community-driven session with so many of the leaders contributing thought-provoking and Spirit-led answers.

Janae writes,“I believe the question is one that we can all consider at this time: What does it mean to you, to Come Up Higher? What does that mean for your local groups, community, and nation? I would love to hear your answers! Feel free to email me at and we can keep the discussion going!”