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Kentucky GameChanging Weekends

Kentucky has been holding GameChanger weekends with great success! Women of all ages are coming together to process through the 5 lessons and out of their time together, new leaders are coming forth to fill positions on Lighthouse teams and to start new Lighthouses.

Brandi Thomas, VP of Ministry Development on the Bowling Green, KY Lighthouse sends in this report on the first weekend together. 

As Graham Cooke said in the GameChanger teaching:

“We are in that place right now where, I believe, the Lord is redefining the Kingdom to us, and He is redefining who the Church is in the context of that Kingdom. As we are discovering what Church and Kingdom are all about, you cannot have these huge things like Church and Kingdom put in front of you without understanding something of the dream of God and the longing of God and the passion of God to see people raised up in the earth who are going to be as passionate about Him as He is about us.”

On February 2-4, 2024, ladies from the Commonwealth of Kentucky gathered for a life-changing experience as we explored Aglow International’s 21st Century GameChangers. Attending this weekend retreat was a beautiful mix of women, some who have been in Aglow for over 40 years, and some attending an Aglow event for the first time. One of many threads that knit us all together was that we came hungry to receive a fresh revelation of how we are known in Heaven.

During the weekend, we experienced “old-man” surrender, miraculous healing, and the transformative power of putting on our true identity in the One who made us all. We knew that we knew that we knew that something extraordinary took place this past weekend that would result in exponential growth for the Kingdom. There was something very special about having a dedicated weekend to absorb this life-changing teaching. Almost immediately, plans were being made for other GameChangers weekend retreats – we have had 4 now!

As Patricia Long put it, “There is a fresh anointing on this teaching.” Not one woman left the way she came. Even the “lifers” who had been through the teaching several times said there was something different about experiencing GameChangers this time. Some were inspired to use the teaching as a daily devotional for the year.

No matter how the Lord leads Aglow groups to present GameChangers in your state, our leaders would encourage you (even if you have done it before) to give it another go! The Lord is igniting our collective passions for His dreams and His people through teaching us about our true identity as we propel His Kingdom forward, wherever we go.

If you have held a GameChanger event recently, we would love to hear testimonies of how God has worked lasting change in your life! Tell Us Your Story