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South/Southeast Regional DC Visit

On Tuesday, March 23, 2024, the Aglow South/Southeast Regional Team led by Regional Director, Glenda Fleming made a crucial visit to the nation’s capital.

Upon arrival, the team immediately convened at the Cannon building for a meeting with Pierson Furnish, Senior Policy Advisor to Speaker Mike Johnson. Furnish graciously offered an hour of his time to inquire about Aglow, thank the team for their prayer support, and share what areas of prayer would be most needed for himself and his staff.
Humbly his greatest request was that even in the smallest most mundane tasks he would glorify God. Pastor Jay Johnston, Intercessor to Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council joined the meeting.

Early in the morning, on the following day, the team journeyed to Mount Vernon. Marching with great purpose straight to the tombs of George and Martha Washington literally to the beat of a thematic band playing on the grounds the team encountered an increasing stir of patriotism and experienced the powerful anointing of God emanating from their graves. Team leader Glenda Fleming noted, “Coming here is like the law of first mention in scripture, we are going to the original source of American patriotism and liberty”. The team then relocated to the edge of the Potomac, prayed, and released the decrees of God standing next to the raging waters while heavy winds blew all around. The work of God was completed and sealed.

Eagerly the team returned to the Capitol area in response to an invitation to the Family Research Council where they were afforded the opportunity to hear directly from Tony Perkins regarding the details of his recent visit to Israel and his conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He expressed the Prime Minister’s urgent plea to the churches of America to stand with Israel.

In the afternoon the team attended a special reception on the balcony of the Capitol Building called “Coffee At The Capitol” hosted by Speaker Mike Johnson. The team members were each afforded the opportunity to shake his hand and express gratitude and prayer support. Johnson responded, “I’ve felt your prayers for sure”.
On the way out, the team paused on the Capitol steps to pray. Listening to the directing of the Holy Spirit, team leader Glenda Fleming felt led to curse what God has cursed and bless what He has blessed in our nation.

That evening the team returned to the Capitol Building again for a worship service hosted by Pastor Dan Cummins. The guest speaker was Representative Kathy Rogers of Washington State. She shared a powerful testimony of mistakes made early in her career and what she is currently doing to honor God in her call. The most valuable insight she shared was learning to look past people’s opinions in order to boldly move forward in the Lord’s instructions.

Other notable sites of prayer included Faith & Liberty, the exterior gate of the White House, the steps of the Supreme Court where the team released Psalm 94:1-15, the Democratic National Convention where the team declared Psalm 18:37-42 and the Republican National Convention where a team member shook “Miriam’s tambourine” prophetically declaring a time of reversal. Carrying the shofar, another team member released its sound at the conclusion of each investment of prayer and faith.

Finally, the team visited the Omni Hotel in preparation for “Pray, Vote, Stand”, which will be hosted on-site in October. As they walked the length of the interior, they prayed throughout corridors and small meeting rooms. When they reached the large ballroom, they noticed a crew setting up and that they were “turning the tables”. Taking note of this, spirits were delighted as they agreed in faith for the tables of “lying” and “defilement” to be overturned in our nation.

Before concluding their mission, the team made a final visit to the “Bring Them Home Now” exhibit offering the Hamas tunnel experience to visitors. Fervently the team prayed over this mobile experience and the Jewish couple hosted it with the understanding that it would be traveling all over the country for the purpose of educating people regarding the truth of what the hostages have experienced and reminding them to pray for Israel.

If you have not taken a DC prayer journey, contact your Regional Director to see if there is room for you to go. Lifetime friends are made as the team walks together in faith, decreeing and proclaiming all God has directed them to speak. Everywhere your feet walk, He has given you the ground!