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South Texas Lights the Way

The South Texas Area Team held a leadership training on June 29th to begin a study on “Discerning the Times”. Leaders from Valley Lighthouses gathered to worship, learn, and pray.

Leslie Drake, VP of Leader Development, said,

“Leaders watched a video on Discerning the Times and Seasons by Pastor Isaac Harawa who gave a powerful teaching on the importance of not being spiritually blind and missing the season that God has for you. The teaching also stressed the importance of leading consecrated lives, seeking direction from Holy Spirit and being obedient to following the direction attached to the assignment as being crucial.” 

Area team officers discussed the need to seek Holy Spirit to make sure that the assignment for each Lighthouse is in season with what needs to be done in their city. Being aligned to God’s calling and assignment for each individual Lighthouse is so important. What one Lighthouse is called to do may be different from another lighthouse. The Area Team provided lunch for Lighthouse officers and a time for fellowship was shared. 

Every leader shared about what they learned during the training and about their hearts concerning their Lighthouses. Each one was given a gift which included a small flashlight wrapped in a bag with a bow. The flashlight represented the light that we need to shine into whatever darkness we are led to during our Lighthouse season. Knowing that Jesus is the Light we carry, when we give that light to someone else, they in turn give it to someone until the light gets brighter than the darkness.

The training ended in worship and being reminded to have joy like a child. That joy enables us to step into the new season with excitement and expectancy for what Jesus is doing during this season. 

We would love to hear how your team is providing training for your Lighthouses. Tell Us Your Story