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One With Israel

God Will Open the Way

An excerpt from a video message by Jane Hansen Hoyt Red Sea Intercession

We're all so aware of the ongoing current situation in Israel. We have friends there. Israel is in our hearts because we as a ministry, Aglow International, have traveled into Israel for 20 years or more. God has just built something within us. We stand with them, but we also stand as them. We are one in spirit and heart and purpose. We're so aware of what has been spoken in the Word related to God's people, the Jewish people, and the land of Israel. It's a place where Jesus will return. He is coming back, and He will put His feet down in Jerusalem in Israel. We cover the purposes of God for the people and the land. At this time in history, with so many threats and the things that are coming against them, attitudes and Antichrist spirit, there's a concern in all of our hearts that causes us to listen to the news in a particular way and focus our prayers throughout the day. We just carry them in our hearts.

I think of the history of the Jewish people as they stood on the shores of the Red Sea with the enemy coming behind them. There was nowhere to go. But God opened the waters and they passed through on dry land. And truly, they're living in a similar place today with bombs and all manner of threats focused upon them. They live with a constant awareness of the enemy wanting to destroy them. Yet, I can also see, of course, our friends who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, being strengthened. We can hear in their messages the very strength of the Lord and the anointing on their words drawing people's attention to God Almighty to intervene on their behalf. They're witnessing it and living it day after day after day.

It's a time to take seriously the need for prayer and the intensity with which the battle is raging. It's a time to step into the fray with our intercession to declare God’s purposes for Israel, and the Jewish people. Let's do that together.

Pray and Declare Over Israel

  • But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. – Isaiah 43:1-2
  • But you, Israel, are My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham My friend. You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest regions, and said to you, ‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away: Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing, and those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them and not find them. Those who contended with you, those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ – Isaiah 41:8-13
  • And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians [those who seek to destroy you] whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” – Exodus 14:13-14

Prophetic Declarations – Step into the Fullness

From the moment they are spoken, prophetic words belong to us and must become as real in our hearts as they are in the heart of God. As the prophetic word is spoken, see God standing in the future, speaking back to you in the present. He is telling you who you are becoming. Be encouraged!

In her blog,  A Ministry in Transition Hansen Hoyt reminds us of numerous powerful words the Lord has given to Aglow. Here are a few of that she shared from Dutch Sheets at our 2017 Jubilee Conference. As you declare these words in agreement, ask the Lord what steps you can take to live in the fullness of God’s intentions for Aglow International – through your life, through your local Aglow group, in your nation.

  • You are going to reach down and grab entire tribes and people groups around the world…and you are going to pull them through the right-time window.
  • You are going to grab the Covenant of the past, you are going to grab the promises and your are going to keep the foundation strong and you are going to use that to fight in the future. God is going to give back to you the words, the prophecies, and the dreams of those before you.
  • You are going to model the Ecclesia.
  • You are going to model what it means to be one who moves in kingly intercession where you not only petition upward, you decree downward. You not only ask the Father to do it, you command for the Father and the Son that it be done.
  • Signs and wonders will be part of this movement.
  • Dreams and visions will be a regular part and you will move into the new and we commission you do it in the Name of Jesus.

A New Day

Aglow U.S. National Conference – November 7-10 in Dallas, Texas

Surrounding the Nations in Prayer

Pray for Israel

Continue to pray for the crisis in Israel. Decisions to navigate these difficult times require wisdom that must come from God.

  • Pray for leaders in Israel along with the Israeli Cabinet and the Knesset. Pray the wisdom of God prevails in their hearts to bring them into unity for the best actions of Israel.
  • Pray the forces of evil against Israel are dismantled - both spiritual forces and enemies of Israel. Lord, send myriads of angelic warriors to protect and defend Israel.
  • People in Israel have felt isolated and even betrayed since October 7. Pray they are comforted in the Presence of God. Pray the Body of Yeshua worldwide expresses the love that can be felt by those in Israel.
  • Pray for the followers of Jesus including both Jews and Arabs who are living in Israel. Pray they are strengthened by the power of Holy Spirit to demonstrate the Presence of God in Israel.

Elections Worldwide

2024 is an unprecedented election year. Globally, more voters than ever in history will go to vote in at least 64 countries. Many of these elections will prove consequential for years to come. As the Ecclesia, the legislative assembly of Heaven on earth, this is an important time for us to pray for the fullness of God’s purposes in the nations.

  • If your nation has a significant national election this year, pray urgently for God’s Hand to move decisively on behalf of your nation. Then, pray for elections in other nations.
  • Local and regional elections are also very important. Pray for those elections closest to you.
  • Pray for the strength and courage of Believers to hear God’s Heart as they pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in their nations.
  • Pray that the power of God dismantles any schemes of darkness that might come against fair, honest elections or against any candidates.
  • Pray the election process is fair, legal, and free of corruption or manipulation.
  • Pray for citizens to discern the truth as they consider candidates.
  • Pray for election outcomes that bring nations into alignment with the Goodness of God and position nations for a great move of God.
  • Pray for newly elected leaders to have an encounter with God that transforms and directs them in the wisdom of God.
  • Pray for a key in the Kiribati election scheduled in August.
  • Though the election is not until November, pray for the Presidential Campaign in America. It is a crucial election that affects America and many other nations.
  • Note: This may not be a complete list of elections. Please pray for those you know about who are not listed here. God hears the prayers and declarations of His people.

Summon the Nations!

Aglow International is called to take the Light of Jesus, bring hope, and build the Kingdom in all communities, cities, and nations.

  • Pray for Aglow in your Region of the world to arise as a strength in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
  • Pray for nations where Aglow has not yet built a community of Kingdom believers. Lord, open the doors and resource Aglow to propel the Kingdom in these nations!
  • Pray for the Ecclesia in these nations to grow in understanding and support of Israel.
  • Has the Lord put a special burden in your heart to pray for a specific nation? He is giving that nation to you as part of His inheritance (Psalm 2:8). Pray daily for the people of that nation to awaken to God’s Presence!
  • Look! You will summon nations you’ve never heard of. Nations who have never heard of you will come running to follow you because Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, has glorified you. – Isaiah 55:5 TPT

Aglow in the Gates of Nations

We are praying for Aglow to be affiliated in every nation of the world. We are very close to reaching that goal. Let’s continue to move forward together, a company of champions and global leaders of significance, to see Every nation touched, every heart changed.

  • Declare Awakening throughout the nations of the earth!
  • Lord, empower Aglow people in these nations to hasten Your Great Awakening.
  • Nations of the earth, welcome the King of Glory! Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory. Psalm 24:9-10
  • Pray for passion to fulfill Jesus’ apostolic commission to establish the Kingdom of God in each nation.
  • Lord, open the gates of nations to the King of Glory!
  • Lord, stir a deep compassion in me for the people of these nations.
  • Pray there is an opening for Aglow International to cultivate a presence in every nation that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation, and restoration.
  • Pray for Christians in every nation to grow in courage and an overcoming spirit.
  • Pray also for these nations of the Middle East where Aglow has a presence. Pray for a greater influence for the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for new leaders to arise. Pray for younger generations as they respond to the call of leadership in Aglow.
  • Complete list of Operation Every Nation nations and their capital cities.
  • Aglow Global Prayer provides prayer information for every nation.

More Ways to Propel the Kingdom

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel. (Be sure to turn on notifications to receive a message each time new content is added.)
  • Weekly Israel-Islam Prayer Call every Monday at 7 PM Pacific/ 10 PM Eastern. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Note and A Prayer

We in Aglow International are certainly people of prayer. Everything we do is built on a foundation of prayer, covered in prayer, and led by the Holy Spirit as we pray continually. When we encounter a crisis, big or small, our first response is to pray. When we break through into the victory of answered prayer, we eagerly offer prayers of thanksgiving and worship. We always pray! Ephesians 6:18 says, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication . . .” What is supplication? Supplication means to seek earnestly for benefits. When we ask for God’s benefits, we are not begging God to meet our most meager needs. No! We are seeking His blessing and favor. In this way, in the middle of the spiritual warfare described in the rest of Ephesians 6, we can flourish and thrive rather than merely survive. That’s what God wants for us! He wants us to flourish. He wants us to thrive. Even in the most intense spiritual battles or challenges of life, God daily loads us with benefits (Psalm 68:19). So, while we’re praying for breakthrough, deliverance, healing and all those things we passionately pray for, let’s remember to always seek His blessing and favor! The goal of our prayer is so much more than just survival. Aim higher! Aim for the blessings of God as we dwell in His glorious Presence!

Lord, my heart is full of supplication for my sisters and brothers of Aglow around the world today. As You meet all of their needs, I ask that You load them with all the benefits of Your Kingdom. You are El Shaddai, the God Who is more than enough. So, let Your blessing and favor overflow in their lives, in their homes, throughout the ministry of Aglow. We step more fully into the abundant life You came to give us. Thank You, Lord, as we pray in Your Mighty Name, Amen!

God bless you as you pray,

Nancy McDaniel, Aglow Prayer Director


Nancy McDaniel
Prayer Director
Aglow International
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