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What is Aglow@home?

Aglow@home is a new type of affiliated Aglow group for international groups only with the primary focus on in-home meetings that reach out to the neighborhood and community. This new group model was originally created by and tested in Aglow Germany, with great results. In today’s world, relationships are more important than ever. And Aglow@home was created for such a time as this. Perhaps it is just right for YOU!

Aglow@home focuses on relationships. The primary audience for this group are your friends, neighbors and community. Connection and relationship – two things the world is crying out for – is our goal and what we seek to cultivate in the host home. We share stories of Christ and what He has done, how He is answering prayers, and what walking with Jesus looks like personally.

Aglow@home meetings are smaller, have a more intimate, and “at home” feel. There is a host, but there is not a “main speaker.” There can be worship, but there is not a full worship team. Aglow@home is simple. It is doable.

This is Aglow evangelism in a new format. Rather than expecting people to come to us, we invite and welcome people into our homes, we tell them about Jesus, and share His love with them.

Why is Aglow@home?

You may ask yourself, why introduce a new type of Aglow group in my town or community?

Our society has become more fast-paced than ever. With every technological advance we make, it seems more demands and expectations are put on us. As a result, society longs for REST. “One more meeting” and “one more event” is not what people seek. However, what we seek are activities that will FEED our soul, and activities that are LIFE GIVING. Aglow@home seeks to provide these things.

Aglow@home, in some ways, brings us back to our roots where Aglow began in someone’s living room. Today gathering in a home is an important way to meet the challenges of a fast-paced world.

The purpose of meeting in homes is to give a comfortable, relaxed place to gather people and share what the Lord is doing in our lives. It is a place to slow down, to focus on others, grow relationships and give opportunity to the Holy Spirit.

Aglow@home is practical as there is no need to rent a meeting hall or banquet room. There is no need to search for speakers and look for well-known names in your community to lead an event. In your Aglow@home meeting, there is just the need for an open home where people will feel welcome. Your set up routine includes providing a comfortable place to seat your guests. Your speaker is the entire group and a place for meaningful life discussions where all participate.

What is the focus of Aglow@home?

  • Sharing
  • Prayer
  • Growth and Discipleship
  • Faith
  • Hospitality
  • Encountering God
  • Multiplication


Part of the goal of Aglow@home is to start groups that will raise up leaders who launch their own Aglow@home group. We recommend having a monthly meeting for a period of maximum one year to start. With the home meeting format, each group should be kept small enough to meet comfortably in the Leader’s home. He/she will then become the Leader of the new group and should then seek a Co-leader for this new group. Then, the cycle begins again.

Contact Aglow International at or contact your Aglow National Leader for complete guidelines.