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Individuals around the world can now join A-Company for a monthly gift of $10 or more.

A 2008 prophetic word over Aglow declared that “Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people will give to the presence of God in your midst.”

A-Company is part of the fulfillment of that prophecy. Thousands of Aglow people all over the world, giving monthly, will cause an increase that will create a whole new financial dynamic in this ministry.

Join A-Company Now!

Your monthly giving assures our ability to commit regular resources to:

  • Motivate and equip a passionate army of individuals sharing the gospel globally.
  • Plant Aglow groups in every city, in every nation of the world.
  • Strengthen one of the largest prayer networks in the world.
  • Provide training and written materials that develop global leaders who display the image of Jesus and model the character of God.
  • Equip and release future generations of Aglow.

Levels of monthly commitment

Take this leap of faith and see God “open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing you cannot contain.”  Together, we will see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

jeanine2Jeannine CourtneyI have been an A-Company partner for many years and am convinced that everyone can also be one, if they choose to do so. If they just take that step of faith, they will see results. I feel more strongly connected to Aglow than ever. And I have reaped many unexpected financial blessings from the seed I planted in faith. I love this ministry so much and have seen the beautiful fruit exhibited in many lives over the past 35 years as an Aglow partner. I am so honored and thankful to be a part of what God is doing in the earth through this ministry.
– Jeannine Courtney

Sign up today!

Download a PDF of the Sign-Up Form (choose a size appropriate for your nation)

If you already give $10 or more monthly, please officially sign up for A-Company to express your ongoing support to Aglow, and begin to receive benefits.

If you have any questions, email us at If you would like to sign up by phone, call Aglow International Headquarters at 425.775.7282.

Resources for Group Presentations