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Aglow began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. The first general meeting was held in Seattle, Washington, USA, close to where Aglow’s Worldwide Headquarters exists today.

The meeting drew more than 100 women to the Meany Hotel close to the University of Washington campus. It didn’t take long for women who attended that first meeting to invite their neighbors and friends to gatherings in other communities surrounding Seattle. As the word spread, new groups began springing up around Washington State, and within months, groups formed in other U.S. states.

Before He said “Let there be light,” in the heart of God was a movement called Aglow International. It would originate with an unprecedented move among women, but would ultimately encompass men as well. From a small beginning, God breathed on Aglow throughout five decades to impact lives in over 170 nations. Aglow has been Spirit born, Spirit led for over 50 years.

DECADE OF FIRSTS — 1967-1977

1969Nov1stMagazineAglow's First Magazine PublicationBy 1972, more than 60 local groups held monthly meetings around the U.S. By 1973, Aglow was moving onto the global stage as fellowships began in Canada. The Netherlands and New Zealand followed in 1974, marking Aglow as an international "network of caring women," in just six short years.

Other “firsts” in this decade included the Aglow Magazine publication, the first Area Board, and the first Aglow Fellowship outside of Washington State was established in Dallas, Texas. Also in this decade Aglow had its first paid employee, first international president, the first headquarters office began in a rented house, and the first Aglow Constitution was written.

By the end of the DECADE OF FIRSTS, Aglow was in 10 nations, had 50 headquarters employees, and 800 fellowships worldwide.


praying womenBy 1979 a network of praying women
was established in all 50 states.
By 1979, Aglow was established with groups in all 50 states! In 1980 Jane Hansen was appointed as Aglow’s International President. The Lord spoke to Jane as she assumed leadership, saying that Aglow will be a network of praying, warring, interceding women covering the face of the earth.

The first of what would become Aglow’s 3 mandates was first spoken by Jane in 1981. It was a message of gender reconciliation — male and female walking side-by-side in the Kingdom, together taking dominion as was spoken in Genesis 1. A message which is as relevant today as it was in 1981.

Leadership development was a key aspect of the ministry as materials continued to be produced for leaders in the U.S. as well as leaders in other nations. The first international training manual — Basic Leadership Training — was written and distributed to Aglow leaders in 1983.

At the close of the DECADE OF EXPANSION, Aglow had grown to 75 nations, 74 employees, and 2,613 Fellowships worldwide. God continued to move His purposes forward through the ministry of Aglow as His favor brought increase in every nation.


1990 WashingtonDC ConfGraphicsAglow women were evangelizing not
only their neighborhoods but nations.
In the DECADE OF TRANSITION the first Worldwide Prayer Thrust was launched, and the first prayer journey of the newly-appointed Strategic Prayer Council took place in Russia. State Prayer Coordinators were appointed in every state in the U.S., and National Prayer Coordinators began to be appointed in the nations as well.

Evangelism was spotlighted through Leadership Challenges in the U.S. designed to encourage and enable leaders to evangelize and minister to women in their areas. Challenges were planned in several cities around the U.S., led by regional directors and U.S. office staff.

The shift from stand-alone computers and manual data entry processes occurred in 1990 with the purchase of an integrated computer system – the IBM AS400, affectionately known as CHIP.

A significant event took place at the International Conference in 1991 in Orlando, Florida. In the presence of a precedent-setting attendance of 10,000, a prophetic word came forth related to the Muslim world.

Consultants knowledgeable about Islam were hired to come alongside Aglow to help the ministry respond to the prophetic word. In order to educate and promote prayer, materials were developed and distributed ministry-wide, building awareness regarding Islam.

As the DECADE OF TRANSITION closed its doors, Aglow had a presence in 132 nations of the world…an increase of over 50% from the previous decade.


2001 JaneAnointedIsrael2001 Jane anointed for Aglow's call
to the nation of Israel
As the fourth decade of the ministry dawned, Aglow was transitioning into the world of technology with the development of the first web site. Membership became Covenant Partnership in 1998 to better express the heart of those who are connected and committed to Aglow. The vision and primary direction of the ministry also began to be crystalized into five Focuses: reconciliation, prayer, evangelism, Islam, and relationship.

In 2001, another defining moment for the ministry took place when Jane attended a gathering of apostles and prophets in Florida. Jane was called out from the audience and was sovereignly called to Israel, as well as “all those under her charge.” When the call to Israel came, it was as if God defined the future vision of the ministry into 3 very specific Mandates: Male and Female Reconciliation, Islam, and Israel.

In 2003, the very first Aglow for Men was affiliated in Denmark. Now called Men Of Issachar, there are 55 men’s groups in several nations.

As the DECADE OF MANDATES drew to a close, Aglow was impacting women and men in 165 nations of the world.


GameChangersGameChangers is transforming lives around the globe.Aglow entered its fifth decade of ministry, the destiny and inheritance God had planned from the beginning came into greater clarity as we embraced a greater level of spiritual authority and anointing. Among the “Firsts” in this decade were the first Monday night prayer conference call focusing prayer on Aglow’s mandate to Islam, the Aglow Institute of Ministry (AIM) was launched, the first Community Lighthouse for Men began in the U.S., and the first monthly prayer trip into Washington, D.C., led by U.S. Regional Directors took place. Graham Cooke began consulting relationship with Aglow.

In 2011, in Houston, TX, Graham Cooke shared 3 significant teachings on Establishing a Kingdom Culture.

In the summer of 2013, in Dallas, TX, the first GameChangers personal development event was held. The following March LifeChangers, the second phase of Aglow’s personal development for leaders was held and processing groups began.

A shift occurred in 2015 within the men's ministry of Aglow with the expansion of the Men of Issachar (MOI), headed by Dave McDaniel, from a men's prayer movement to a full-fledged ministry of Aglow with men's groups forming all over the world.

Aglow celebrated 50 years of ministry in Richmond, VA in 2017. With a fresh re-mantling and recommissioning, Aglow walked fully alert into its next decade of global ministry.


Propel the Kingdom ForwardAs those who have walked in an ever growing awareness of identity, strength, and authority, Aglow is identified as apostolic/prophetic watchmen standing in the nations of the world. Positioned both spiritually and globally and mantled with governmental authority, Aglow stands as a giant-killing organization who is armed with air supremacy.

In September of 2019 Aglow convened a special Convocation in Jerusalem declaring that it is the right time for Israel. Representatives from 48 nations were in attendance.

Today, Aglow spans the globe reaching out to women, and men of every creed, color, with 22,000 Aglow leaders worldwide ministering in their communities and nations, to an estimated 17 million people each year with indigenous leaders overseeing Aglow groups in nearly 170 nations. More than 3,000 Aglow groups meet worldwide, with over 2,000 groups outside the US.

Created to commemorate Aglow's 50th anniversary, Aglow: The First Fifty Years is a beautiful, hardcover, coffee table style book chronicling Aglow from 1967 to 2017.

Aglow: The First Fifty Years DVD is the perfect companion to the book containing interviews with early leaders telling the story of Aglow's birth and significant events in the history of the ministry. Also contains a personal and emotional look, through the eyes of key leaders, at who Aglow will be as we launch into the next fifty years of Aglow.