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The theme for our conference is, ‘A Voice for the Times - calling women to transform their nations.’ Just think about the voice of women. Think back in history. At other times, in other places, when a nation and a people were at a crossroads, God used women to further His plan

She was beautiful. She was unknown. But she had been called for such a time as this to intervene at a governmental level to reverse a decree that had been issued by one who had been appointed by the king. He was one who would bring the certain displeasure of God. God would use this woman to move His plan forward at this particular point in history because she was willing to be a voice for her times. Her name was Esther.

Again, at another time, in another place, when a nation was at war, and the people distressed, the highways were deserted and community life had ceased. The people began to gather at the city gates. They began to cry out for an intervention. Cry out to God and the call went forth: “Deborah, awaken! Arise!” And Deborah arose, a mother in Israel. She was a voice for her times at a governmental level.

Think about the voice of a widow. There is a certain widow whose voice rings in our ears. The book of Ruth is a study in the sovereignty of God. It is a story that begins with famine, death, and loss.

Ruth was a woman who rose from obscurity to riches. This is a young woman robbed by the death of her husband, but her voice came as the providential directive of God. Something deep within her being, within her character, caused her to calmly submit to the divine will of God.

As Naomi returned to Bethlehem, Ruth’s voice clearly speaks out: “Entreat me not to leave you for I will go wherever you go, and I will lodge wherever you lodge. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” The decision of Ruth to follow Jehovah and to completely identify with her people brought her rich reward.

There has always been something in the womb of Ruth, a barren woman. God had purposed her to be a woman of destiny. Back in Bethlehem, she finds herself in a field gleaning, but gleaning as a widow. She’s eating leftovers. Does that sound like destiny?

God never intended her to be a gleaner. He intended that she own the field. Her entrance into the field of Boaz was no mere chance. This was a union made in heaven for His divine purpose. The steps of God’s children are ordered of the Lord. Because of her obedience Ruth found herself numbered among the elect. God wove the thread of her life most intricately into the web of the history of His people, both before and after Christ. Through her came the birth of Obed, father of Jesse, father of David, from whose line, Messiah, the Redeemer, would come.

In her own way Ruth was a transitional voice for the times. Her voice is heard yet today.

Matthew tells us of another voice that speaks yet today. It’s the voice of Mary of Bethany. She was a woman who was captivated in the inner man with deep spiritual thoughts. She was busy, busier internally, than she was externally. While others sat at the table, Mary sat at her accustomed place: the feet of Jesus.

When Mary sat at His feet, she heard His word. Her ear was attuned to Him. She heard with her inner man; that inner place in her spirit. She recognized Him as the prophet.

When in her grief she fell at His feet she knew Him to be the sympathizing High Priest. Now as she anoints His feet she knows Him to be the King. The fragrance of Mary’s love for Him filled the whole room. It was sweet to some but to others it spoke of waste. Jesus said that what she had done was a good work.

Mary had often heard Jesus speak of His coming death and burial. Her precious oil had been stored up, treasured up, for the anointing of His body. In His foreknowledge it was not just for His burial, but for the ultimate victorious triumph that He knew was about to take place: victory over death, hell, and the grave, over principalities and powers, over every might and dominion, over every name that is named not only in this age but in the age that is to come. And in Jesus’ word, He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel, this powerful, triumphant, victorious gospel is preached, what this woman has done will be told as a memorial to her, and it will go throughout the whole world.” (Matt. 26:13)

The fragrance that once filled a room now fills the whole world, even as He promised. And the voice of her love, the dedication that poured out of Mary, is heard as a voice for the times, even today.

Even as there were solitary women down throughout the ages: the Esther’s, the Deborah’s, the Jochebed’s, the Hannah’s, the Abigail’s, the Mary’s - even as there were those solitary voices, they were voices for their times.

God has chosen, at this specific time in history, to call forth and to form a collective voice of women and even men in the earth. This is an unprecedented move of His spirit. Never in all of history has there been this kind of worldwide awakening amongst women and men. He has called us for such a time as this. He purposed us to have a significant plan from the beginning of time. You’ve heard me say it over and over. From the beginning He told us what dominion would look like in the earth, and it was male and female, together.

He is calling women and men to transform the nations of the world. And we have gathered in this significant city, at this significant point in history, to be a part of that voice that prays out of our devotion and our love for Him, in the prayer closet; but also walks the street of the city. It is a voice that becomes active in the political arena. It is a voice that makes our voice heard in the nations of the world, because God has a rich deposit in you that He intends to be heard through us at this time in history. He has always purposed it.

We understand what took place in the garden. And for those of you who have heard me speak throughout the years, you’ll know what I’m about to say. It was the woman who first called the enemy who he really is - the deceiver. “He deceived me and I ate.” And God spoke into that, “Now forever and ever Satan, down through the ages, down through the centuries, she will be used again and again and again to unravel, to show forth, to speak forth, and to uncover who you really are: the deceiver.”

The scripture says, “I put enmity between you Satan, and the woman - between her seed and your seed. And there will come a seed from the woman that will be to your utter destruction. The seed that comes from you will merely bruise the heel. Her seed will crush your head!” (Genesis 3:15)

The perfect seed that came from the woman was the birth of Jesus, but as we know there is this ongoing, unfolding principle that continues to this day.

God is calling forth women and men who have allowed the center of their being to be turned from themselves and focused on Almighty God to be used of Him to be a voice for the times and to transform the nations of the world. It is a high calling. It is a significant calling. It is a timely calling. We have been called for such a times as this.

The enemy has come against women down through the ages. To silence us, to render us powerless, render us useless, because he understood what was being spoken to him in the garden by Almighty God. There would be an enmity between the enemy and the woman that would be very precise and very profound. If he could silence the woman, if he could keep her preoccupied with the small things in life, if he could keep her preoccupied with herself and her needs, ups and downs, he would win a significant battle.

In this hour there has come such a breakthrough in the lives of women and men. We celebrated 40 years of ministry this last year. Now we are in our 41st year. God has poured much into this ministry - much purpose, healing, focus, because we’ve been called for such a times as this in order to make a difference in the nations of the world.

Prophetic Threads

I want to take a few threads of some prophetic words that have been spoken over the ministry of Aglow International. You will recognize them. Maybe they are things that you have kept fresh in your own hearts. Sometimes things happen and the words go on the backburner, but as I pull these threads out tonight, I believe they will come to your remembrance.

First of all let me say that our nation is at a critical crossroads. We are living in troubled times.

Chuck Pierce’s Thread

As you will recall at our national conference in 2004, Chuck Pierce said “I am bringing the girls into the game now. I am going to use women to reverse the curse on this land. You will make great headway in the next three years (that would be through the year 2007). You will break down the defense of the enemy in the 4th year (that is this year, 2008).”

He said something that sounds a little unfeminine, but it was interesting as the word began to unfold, he said “Don’t be afraid to be tackled. Rise up! I am calling your number. Come into the game now!”

Have you all seen the movie Facing the Giants? Tony and I watched it again the other evening. I cry every time I see that movie. I love it when they are there for the big playoff game. Tony is great with all the details. I’ll hit the highlights. They are there for the big play-off game.  

This is a team that has not gone far and has not done much. They are the underdog. The coach says to them, “Leave it all on the field tonight.”

That is what I am saying to you. “Leave it all on the field!” The call of God on this ministry is so powerful, so profound, and so significant. You have poured out your life, poured your strength, your prayers, and your finances into this ministry. You know what it means to leave it all on the field. We are not going to go out whimpering. In fact, we are not going out! We are the champions!

Barbara Yoder’s Thread

For those of you who were at conference in 2004, you will remember there was a power outage and the words went out over the sound system: “Exit, immediately. Exit, immediately.”

When we came back into the conference center, Barbara Yoder had a word. It went like this: “Even as that emergency went out and said you must exit immediately, the Lord says, ‘There is no time left to stay in the old place,’” speaking to Aglow. “’You can’t stay where you’ve been. You must exit immediately. No room for hedging. No room for waiting. Run now out of that old place. Deliverance will break out on your right hand and on your left, for this is the day. It is now. It is now. It is now.’”

We have made significant headway in the last 4 years. You heard the numbers tonight, not to brag on ourselves but to brag on God: 172 nations of the world. We have a prayer movement that is growing and powerful around the world.

Tony and I, along with Nancy McDaniel, our International Prayer Director, were in Europe in June. We gathered there with our European leaders to strengthen and to really get that prayer movement motivated in the European nations of the world. There is a significant rise of Islam in Europe. And our women and men are uniting in a very powerful, significant way, to lift up the Kingdom of God. They are active with evangelistic outreaches and all manner of things.

Asher Intrader was one of the speakers in Europe. I’m going to share a few nuggets at the close of my message of some things that he felt impressed with, as we departed from the nation of Spain, that are very significant for the ministry of Aglow.

Asher spoke about the meeting of Paul and Lydia in Acts 16. Lydia was having a little women’s group, a little prayer meeting. Paul happened to attend, and because of that link between Paul and Lydia, Europe opened for the Gospel.

Our time in Europe was very significant, very significant.

Dutch Sheets’ Thread

Dutch Sheets was also one of the speakers in 2004. Do you remember him saying, “22 is your number? I release the Isaiah 22:22 anointing of government to come upon you. You’re moving from level 11 to a level 12, a governmental level. I’m putting the mantle on you now for victory, come on! Get a war cry! Begin to cry out, victory, victory! Begin to turn the tide!”

Weaving the Threads

Now put Dutch’s word together with the other 2 words I’ve just shared with you.

In 2004, the next three years there will be great headway made and in the year 2008 there would be a reverse of the curse on this land and we needed to get a war cry. We didn’t know then where we were going to be at this conference. God knew.

Last year we celebrated our 40th year anniversary. Chuck was one of our speakers and he said, “The season we are entering into is a time for new breakthrough.”

Did you like our opening tonight? We entered with the sound of breakthrough. Chuck went on to say “It is time to become a force to take dominion, to move forward, because Aglow is a force in God’s Kingdom.” Do you remember him saying, “Aglow has gained momentum. You’re like a freight trained that has gained momentum. And with the momentum that has been gained it would not be easy to be stopped by any force.”

I looked up the word force. It means “strength, a pressure” and it’s linked with movement. It means that once that object starts gaining momentum, it would have to have great pressure against it if something were to try to stop it. But I believe, because of what God has been pouring into Aglow, and this is not in a haughty way, the ministry of Aglow is unstoppable because it’s something of His spirit.

He went on to say that this meeting in 2007, the 40th year, “would propel you into the next phase in the history of God’s Kingdom.” Have you seen or have you felt the pressure? The pressure has grown intense. But as I said to the US National Leadership Team just a few days ago, the pressure has been great in many realms. But the truth is, we are here, and we are standing.

Called to Transform Nations

I believe the pressure has been forming a new word in us, that a voice, a greater voice, has been formed within us, is being formed within us, and it is a voice for our times. We’ve been called to transform the nations of the world. It is a voice of greater authority and the pressure we feel is in the unseen world, because everything we see is governed by another realm. And that place of darkness that has grown accustomed to being in charged is resisting the new sheriff in town. Chuck said, “Aglow is a freight train filled with power overtaking darkness in the earth.” We are taking dominion over darkness, not people.

Graham Cooke’s Thread – Heaven to Earth

Graham Cooke was with us in 2004. He said, “Aglow is in a season of divine acceleration.” He went on to say, “we need forerunners who bring acceleration. We have to catch up with what God is doing, and what He wants to do in this nation, to bring the future into the present. We must learn to run.”

He went on to say, “You are becoming a now people with your eye on the future.” Is your eye on the future? Graham said, “He is looking for a people He can connect with in the spirit.” Are you one of those people?

Graham came to our office this last year and spent a couple of days with us, which we so appreciated. He came just to sit and take counsel together and for us to hear his heart. I love this man. I love what is in him. I love the treasures that come out of him - the richness of God that comes out of him and that richness has come at great, great cost. It is like gold that comes from him.

As we sat and talked together, I began thinking about so many of the words he had spoken, notes that I had taken from other times of ministry with Graham. As I thought about words he was speaking to us around the table in Seattle, he talked about living heaven to earth. You heard it on the DVD tonight. That is his expression. We are called to live heaven to earth and I love the way Graham expresses it.

Tony and I were traveling to Japan and several other nations in that part of the world. I love it when I’m up above everything and there are no telephones and you can hide away with God. I love that. It’s not that I don’t do it when I’m on earth, but there’s something about getting up in the heavenlies that I love, that’s priceless.  

I began asking God, “Show me, in the word, places - God, give more insight where it talks about those who connected with you spirit to spirit and who learned what it meant to live heaven to earth. Show me how they began to see and pierce into the spirit realm in a greater way.” These people who lived heaven to earth were

Godly men and women. It isn’t that they didn’t walk with God, but God was calling them up higher and calling them to a different walk.

Elijah and Elisha

I found myself in II Kings 2 reading about Elijah and Elisha. You know the story of Elijah saying to Elisha three different times, “Stay here! I’m going to go over to Bethel.” And Elisha would say, “Not on your life.”

And another time Elijah said, “Well stay here, I’m going over to Jericho.” Again the response would come from Elisha, “I will not leave you. As my soul lives, I will not leave you.” Elisha had left everything known and familiar and precious to him to walk with Elijah, the man of God. Elisha’s desire was to serve him and to learn from Elijah.

Then the third time Elijah said, “Well I’m going over to the Jordan, why don’t you just stay here?” And Elisha said, “No, not on your life, as my soul lives, where you go, I go.”

So Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask, what may I do for you before I am taken away from you.” Elisha responded, “I want a double portion of the spirit of God that is upon you.” Elijah said, “Well you have asked a hard thing.”

Why in the world would a response like that come from the man of God? “You have asked a hard thing.” Wouldn’t God want a greater expression of Himself in the earth? Wouldn’t He be blessed by our saying “I want a double portion, I want more, I want a greater revelation! I want a greater portion of Your spirit upon me!” Why would that be a hard thing?

The scripture goes on to say, “Nevertheless, if you see me, if you will allow God to give you eyes to see what you cannot see now, to pierce into that spirit realm, to cause you to come up higher, to live heaven to earth - If you’ll let Him anoint your eyes in a new way, then it will be so for you.” The scripture goes on to say, “And then it happened. Suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up in a whirlwind into heaven.” And Elisha saw it and he cried out, “My father, my father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And then he saw Elijah no more.

But Elisha saw into another realm that would bring forth the destiny God had purposed for his life.

His seeing unlocked his future. It unlocked miracles. It unlocked a greater anointing. God is calling us in this hour to live heaven to earth. To become so absorbed even as Mary of Bethany was so absorbed; to become so one with Him that it gives us the ability to see into heaven, see into the spirit realm, in a way we have not yet been able to see.  

Come Higher

God is calling us corporately to something newer, something greater, something, higher.

There is a destiny in you even as there was a destiny in Ruth. He doesn’t intend for you to live on leftovers. He doesn’t intend for you to live like a widow. He wants you to pray like a bride. He wants to transform our lives, our thinking, and our speaking.

Elisha had that moment that would forever transform his life and his walk with God. He picked up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and he took it and stood on the bank of the Jordan. He took up that mantle

and he struck the water, and he said, “Where is the God of Elijah!” And the waters divided and Elisha crossed over.

We’re in that moment. We’re in a moment of time when God is calling us to cross over, to pick up a greater mantle than we’ve ever known. You personally, we collectively as a ministry, to pick up a mantle that is greater than anything we have ever known. To cross over into a greater place, a new place, a place of greater anointing. It is the place of our destiny. He has called us to be a voice for our times. And He’s called us to be His voice.

A Sound of Noise

In the last month, I have been so aware of noise. I’ve been sharing this with some of those on the platform. Just a clamoring noise, a clutter in the spirit realm - in the unseen realm. Noise, noise, noise. You can hear it in the earth realm. You can hear it in the spirit realm. It’s as if everything in me was just shaking.

I went to the hairdresser before we left Seattle. My hairdresser is a woman of God. She has come to some of our conferences and we always talk about the Lord. She was saying, “What are you hearing? What is God saying? What is going on with you?” And I said, “I don’t know, I just feel on edge almost. All the noisiness, the clutter, the confusion, and the distraction that tries to get you to listen to this and that with the purpose of pulling you off focus.”

Her eyes got big and she mentioned a woman’s name – another wonderful believer - that had been in the shop. She had, I supposed you would call it an open vision, but she had this sense of the spirit atmosphere absolutely filled with demonic beings and their mouths were open. She said the word that this woman got was, “Noise, noise, noise.”

We’re living in a time when many voices want to be heard and demand our attention. Lots of rhetoric is being spoken. Now is not a time to be pulled off focus. God has a ministry and a mission and a purpose for you.

I said to my hairdresser, “I felt like when I got here I just wanted to say to you, ‘shhh’ - to quiet ourselves in His presence.”

I love quietness. Quietness feeds me, it nourishes me. I hear Him in quietness. I love to be in His presence. Sometimes I don’t even want praise songs or worship songs, I just want stillness.

Recently I have been reading a book that I have read several years ago. The book is The Latent Power of the Soul by Watchman Nee. I was so struck by soul power in the earth. It is what drew me back to the book. People who get soul hookups, people who function out of their soul and call what they do the spirit.

We are living in a time when we must be so discerning within ourselves - what comes out of us, what we are drawn to, what we speak, what we watch, what we listen to.   He wants to develop eyes that see and ears that hear and are so focused heavenward. He wants to develop in you and me a living heaven to earth relationship in a way that will be not drawn off course by the noise and the voices clamoring to be heard.

Hear, See, Declare

In Revelation 2 & 3, speaking to the seven churches; they are urged to have eyes that see and ears that hear if they want to be overcomes. In Revelation 4 the word is, “Come up here, come up higher, I want to show you things, I want you to be able to see things that you have not been able to see before. I want you to know the things which must take place.” In Revelation 3:18 it says, “Anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see.”

Remember Robert Sterns saying to us in 2007, “You are not to be responders to the atmosphere. You are to establish the atmosphere.” In II Kings 6, talking about seeing, this is where the King of Syria is making war with Israel. He consulted with his servants saying, “My camp will be in such and such place.” And the man of God said to the King of Israel, “Beware that you don’t pass this place because the Syrians are down there making ready for war.”  

So the king of Israel, having been warned, sent someone to the place the man of God told him about. And he was watchful there, not just once or twice. He was watchful. The heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled and he called his servants and said to them, “Will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?” Who is passing the information on? One of his servants said, “None my lord. It’s Elisha the prophet.” That guy who can really see things and hear things. “He is the one in Israel who tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.” Then the king said, “Go and see where he is that I might send and get him.”

He sent horses, chariots and a great army. They came by night and they surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God, Elisha, rose early in the morning, he went out and he saw the army surrounding the city, with all those horses and all those chariots, and he said to his master, “Alas, what are we going to do.” The response came, “Don’t fear. For those who are with us are greater than those who are with them.”

Elisha prayed and he said, “Lord I pray, open the eyes of my servant that he may see what he presently cannot see. Let him see what I see.” The servant’s eyes were opened and he saw. Behold the mountains were full of horses and chariots of fire, all around Elisha. That’s what I’m talking about.

So he saw something he hadn’t seen before. When the Syrians came down Elisha prayed to the Lord. He said “Strike this people with blindness.” That’s the enemy. Strike them with blindness. Do not let them see. We are supposed to be the ones that really see - that really get it. So God struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

You will live and you will decree and you will speak out of what you see.

So the Lord struck them with blindness and Elisha said to them, “This is not the way to the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” But he led them to Samaria. And so it was when they came into Samaria that Elisha said, “Ok Lord, now You can open their eyes.”

You know what I like about this? The enemy didn’t even know where they were - because of the decree of the man of God. He lived out of what he saw and who he knew God to be. When he said, “Strike them with blindness,” he could lead the enemy around another way and lead them totally off the course that the enemy had set against Israel.

That is the kind of relationship God is calling us into in this hour. We are not led by the enemy. We lead him astray!
Are you listening to all the rhetoric that’s been spoken over the airwaves? What are you going to be led by? It’s a critical time. Our nation and every nation of the world stand at a critical crossroad.

The Clashing of Two Kingdoms

A few years ago you heard me give a message that I call my decade message. I want to recap very briefly something that began in the 1950’s. It actually began at the UC campus in Berkeley. It was an anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Christ spirit. The message was ‘God is dead.’

I was living in Berkley at the time. My father pastured a church just blocks from UC campus. And I remember him saying, “I feel as though I’ve come to the seat of Satan.” I was young then and did not totally grasp what my father was saying, but as I look back, now I see.

The voices that were lifted up in the 1950’s were the beginning of a turning in our nation (America). Our nation was set on a course and it has never reversed itself. I believe it was the beginning of the end.

The voices that were being lifted up in Berkley went across to Timothy Leary on the east coast. This mantra began to be expressed that God is dead.

The mantra insulted the very foundation that our nation had been built on. There was a shifting in the atmosphere. There was a spirit warfare that arose at that time that was different than anything we had faced before. The clashing of two kingdoms was taking place.

In the 1960’s we began to see the fruit of the counter cultural revolution. It was total, utter rebellion against anything of the establishment -namely, the Christian principles our nation was built on.

The 1970’s was the peak of the sexual revolution. There was no higher power to answer to. If it felt good, do it. The moral condition of our nation was in steep decline. Prayer in the schools was abolished. The radical secular feminist movement began.

In the 1980’s we saw the AIDS epidemic explode on the scene with millions of lives affected.

The 1990’s saw the fall of communism. Communism said, “There is no God.” God said, “There is no communism.” As communism fell, we began to see the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, with a totalitarian mindset that intends to rule.

The turn of the century come with the year 2000. On September 11, 2001, America was attacked at the doorstep of the nerve center of our nation leaving thousands dead. 82,000 government offices were closed. Every airport was shut down. Over 40,000 flights were cancelled. It took 18-20 people with box cutters to bring this nation to its knees.

Woodrow Wilson said, “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday - which doesn’t remember the Christian principles this nation was formed on - does not know what it is today. “ America has gone from a nation that implored the God of heaven for protection and divine providence, to a nation that is in the process of removing any evidence of God in the public schools and in the public square. We are a nation that is losing its heritage, its character, its freedom and most of all, its favor with God.

Christianity is under attack in America. It began in the 1950’s and it has continued and increased in these past decades. When America was first being colonized, the first building that would be erected in any community was a church house, not a mosque.

The framers of our constitution viewed the constitution as the bedrock of our judicial system. Where are we today with our judicial system? Some of the most effective instruments used by the secular, humanist movement are the Supreme Court judges and activist judges in the lower courts. This next election is important. Because at least 2 judges will be appointed by this next president.

Abigail Adams wrote to her husband John, saying, “He who fed the Israelites in the wilderness, who clothed the lilies of the field, and who feeds the ravens when they cry, will not forsake a people engaged in a righteous course if we remember His loving kindness.”

We have been called for such a time as this. This ministry has been called for such a time as this. I want to say to you, women hold 52-54% of the vote. I’m a blonde, but I get it. This next election could well be determined by vote of women.

The next 4 years, the course of history, could be set by women on this November 4 election day. Think about the appointment of the Supreme Court justices. Think about the values of our nation. Think about the direction of this nation. Think about God’s original intent for this nation. It is more important than ever, that Evangelical Christian women and men register to vote. We must vote in this next election!  

This year we celebrated the 88th year of women’s right to vote. Women 88 years ago, the women who went through the struggle to get the right for you to vote, were a voice for their times, and their voice is now a voice for our times. You must vote and you most vote according to Godly principles and God’s purpose for this nation.

It’s a time to remember God. It is a time to refute the anti-God, anti-Christ spirit in this land. It is a time to remember that God sits far above all principalities and powers. He is not nervous. He is in control of the affairs of man. But He is asking for a people who will link with Him in the spirit realm, like Elisha, to see into that spirit realm and live out of that realm - Let your voice be raised, let your voice be heard!

The Jefferson memorial has this quote, “God who gave us life, gave us liberty.” Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are a gift of God?

I called a 40 day fast August 19th. As of today we’ve reached the 40th day, and we are 39 days away from election.

I was interviewed recently by the LA times – can you believe that? I couldn’t either – they were asking the significance of our gathering, why we’re in Washington DC, what we have to say. I just told them what we had to say. They wanted to know what is the significance of the 40 day thing. I said, “Well actually we’ve been on a 40 day fast.” I kind of heard a gasp on the other end, “You mean you have gone without food that long?!” What I said to the gentleman was, “We do not tell our people how to fast.” He wanted to know how I had fasted, so I told him. I said, “When you think of women across this nation who are fasting – it may be a meal, it may be, in whatever way God would speak to them - and then you think of the collective impact of that upon this nation, it’s a very powerful thing.”

And I want to say to you, men and women of Aglow, the collective impact of men and women across this nation and around the world, fasting, seeking the face of God, pressing into the spirit realm, to seek and to hear what heaven would say to earth, through you - through us collectively. Men and women of Aglow, I applaud you for your faithfulness, the ways you have served God and given to this ministry, to your local churches, to your communities, your families. 

It’s a time to let our voice be heard, because we are a voice for the times. We are called to transform the nations of the world.

I believe the spirit of God is hovering over this city (Washington, DC). As we sat today in that outdoor arena, facing the Capitol building, extending our hands toward the Capitol building, as we listened to Senator Brownback speak to us and share his heart, I thought, “Only God could have orchestrated this moment.”

As we prayed our prayers and sang, God Bless America, couldn’t you feel the hovering of His Spirit over this place? You are part of that Spirit that is brooding over this city. You have been brought for such a time as this to this city.

Let me close with Psalm 33:8-12, “Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing!” All the rhetoric. All the noise. With one word, He can bring the counsel of the nations to nothing. “He makes the plans of peoples no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever! The plans of His heart to all generations! Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! The people He has chosen as His own inheritance!”
God has chosen, at this specific time in history, to call forth and to form a collective voice of women and even men in the earth. This is an unprecedented move of His spirit. Never in all of history has there been this kind of worldwide awakening amongst women and men. He has called us for such a time as this. He purposed us to have a significant plan from the beginning of time. You’ve heard me say it over and over. From the beginning He told us what dominion would look like in the earth, and it was male and female, together.
God has chosen, at this specific time in history, to call forth and to form a collective voice of women and even men in the earth. This is an unprecedented move of His spirit. Never in all of history has there been this kind of worldwide awakening amongst women and men. He has called us for such a time as this. He purposed us to have a significant plan from the beginning of time. You’ve heard me say it over and over. From the beginning He told us what dominion would look like in the earth, and it was male and female, together.