watchAglow Hagerstown, MD Lighthouse President, Sherry Grove, recently completed the GameChangers course with Graham Cooke.  She has been amazed at the dramatic changes in her heart after applying the principles to her daily life.

Sherry writes, “Before taking the course, I had a problem with perfectionism. If I made a mistake, I would be cruelly harsh, berating myself for what I had done wrong. The Lord dealt with me about this saying, ‘If you talked to your friends and family the same way you talk to yourself, you would not have anyone left who would want to be around you.’  I just acknowledged this as true and kept on repeating the behavior, not having the power or the will to change.”

“During GameChangers, Graham reiterated over and over that we must get rid of the negativity. That really resonated in my spirit. I purposed to never condemn myself again, because God does not condemn me. I started taking every self-condemning thought captive, and began speaking to myself with love and respect. It was like a big bully had been defeated.”

“Soon after attending GameChangers, a situation occurred making me realize how much I had changed. A watch I had purchased was too big, so I took it to a jeweler to have links removed adding $25 to the total cost. Happy with the adjustment, I put it on, stopped to get a fruit smoothie, then went to a Bible study at my church. While watching a video I looked down to see what time it was, and realized the watch was gone. I looked through my pocketbook quickly but it wasn't there.  When the video was over I ran out to see if it was in my car. It wasn't.”

“Normally I would have berated myself for losing a brand new item and run off to find it. This time, however, I remained calm and went back to finish Bible study. After church I stayed calm, went back to where I had purchased the smoothie to see if it fell off there, and asked if they'd found a watch. They hadn't. I went home and looked, but still no watch.”

“I calmly told the Lord that He knew where the watch was, and I was going to rest in that. I even slept fine that night. The next afternoon I had a doctor’s appointment for a post-op after a recent surgery. While reading a book in the waiting room I felt a prompting to look in the side pocket of my purse. There was my watch!”

“During the previous surgery I had a long conversation with both the doctor and the nurse, and we had another nice conversation while they removed the stitches at this appointment. When the doctor left the room, the nurse said she just had to tell me something. Imagine my surprise when she told me I had changed her life! She said that I was the most positive person she had ever met, and she now knew it was possible to have a positive attitude. I was dumbfounded that she would say this after only being around her two times. I told her that I would pray for her, and added that the credit for my positive attitude belonged to the Lord Jesus.”