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A team of 5 from the Central Region recently returned from a prayer trip to Washington, D.C. Shelly Morales, Central Region Director writes,

The first day we visited the Museum of the Bible. Its use of technology to share God’s Word was incredible. We learned and experienced many wonderful things. It was a great precursor to the strategic intercession we were headed into.

Then we met an individual for lunch at the Trump Tower. She briefed us on what they are seeing with Israel and her organization’s initiatives there to build strong relationships with other nations and Israel. We prayed with her for provision and open doors.

After lunch, we went to the top of the Clock Tower at the Trump Tower. It is open air at the top, but with a 360 degree view of the city and second in height only to the Capitol Building. Despite 40 mile an hour wind gusts and temps near freezing, it was a perfect place to declare air supremacy and make ‘Lord, You Said’ declarations over the city and nation.

Next, we went to the Capitol Building for Capitol Worship. This was a special time of praise and worship with three Congressmen and a federal judge worshipping with us. Additionally, others joined us from many nations, including India, Pakistan, France, Australia, and Germany. About 20 pastors were in attendance. There wasn’t even standing room left after everyone arrived, and some worshiped in the hall. Jesus’ Name was lifted high with joy and celebration in the Capitol. We closed with communion in the Capitol Rotunda, ending with a glorious Doxology, the echoes penetrating every nook and cranny.

The next day, we toured the Capitol Building with Pastor Dan. He led us down a hallway and we passed an elected official, sitting at a table, writing, just outside the House of Representatives. Pastor Dan spoke to him and motioned us over. The gentleman asked us about Aglow and we shared, as did Pastor Dan. The gentleman said he was an imperfect man, a Christian with failings, and asked us if we could join hands with him and pray for him. We did and then he prayed for us, Aglow, and wisdom for himself.

After prayer, he said he’d just been writing a speech he was going give that morning, but now felt he needed to change some things in it. He walked away but then came back and asked for an Aglow card so he could find our website and keep in touch. He was sincere in his prayers and has a hungry heart for God. Would you join us in praying for him?

We met a State Representative and Pastor Dan explained who we were and what Aglow does. Both these men asked us to keep them in our prayers.

We went onto the Speaker’s Balcony and prayed from our air supremacy. While we talked and prayed, the Presidential helicopter flew past us near the Washington Monument, giving us another opportunity to pray for President Trump.

Before lunch, we headed to the Supreme Court building and prayed outside the courtroom. We were then able to go inside the courtroom itself while someone was lecturing, and we prayed silently for just laws to prosper and bad laws to be overturned.

After lunch we visited David’s Tent and had a refreshing visit with Jason Hershey. He filled us in on the current events of David’s Tent as well as news of his family and staffers. We spent unhurried time in prayer there and worshiped.

We next went to the White House, and although we were unable to get inside, we faced the south lawn and prayed for First Lady Melania Trump, Pres. Trump, Barron, and the other Trump children and grandchildren.

A treat was getting to share Jesus and the goodness of God with most of our Uber drivers. We had prophetic words for some and after we reached our destination with one, he asked us to lay hands on him and pray for him.

The atmosphere is changing over Washington, D.C.! All our prayers, the monthly trips, are making visible differences! What a privilege to get to go. Jesus reigns!