Rajagiriya Generations Group, Sri Lanka

Rajagiriya Generations Group, Sri Lanka

Ruvani Desinghe, the Generations Leader of the Sri Lanka - Rajagiriya Generations Group shares of God’s goodness through 2020. The testimonies shared are such a beautiful reflection of God’s faithfulness to His children.

We are moving forward in spite of the many obstacles and challenges. The Lord has been so gracious to us enabling us to connect on various social media platforms. We the Rajagiriya (English) Generations Group have a WhatsApp group wherein we keep in touch with our members and encourage each other with prayer and weekly Bible studies.

Since April last year 2020 we have been meeting on Zoom for weekly Bible Studies and prayers for the Division (together with other fellowships). The Bible studies are conducted by Mrs. Manel Wirasinha, Vice President of Leadership and Training on the National Board Aglow Sri Lanka. For the Bible studies we have completed James, Psalm 119 and a study on the Second coming of Christ.

We also meet once a month for the fellowship meeting on Zoom if the Speaker is unable to attend physically.  However, if the Speaker is able to attend a physical meeting we open our homes for the meetings observing the prevailing health guidelines. Our last face to face meeting was on the 10th of April 2021 and it was a glorious celebration in His glorious presence.

The Lord has been so very good to us and we have no words to express his goodness and faithfulness. He not only promises us protection from every plague but also promises to part the Red Sea when faced with difficulty as recorded in Exodus. These promises have been proven so amazingly true in the lives of the members of our fellowship.

Here are a few testimonies from our Generations Group:

  1. Two marriages that were falling apart during the lockdown of 2020 have been restored through prayer and transformation of the lives concerned.
  2. Wayward teenagers have been touched by the Holy Spirit and He is doing a new work in their lives with renewed hope.  He has also redeemed the time lost during 2020 and opened new doors of opportunity to study and work.
  3. Many requests for prayer for healing of loved ones have been answered. When there was no hope medically the Lord came through.
  4. There is an increased hunger and thirst for the things of God and the members look forward to the monthly fellowship meetings. We sense a spirit of breakthrough and revival in every meeting. All glory to His name.

Lord, we praise You for the miracles and healing You have done in the member of this Generations Group. Thank You for fanning the flame in them and stirring them for revival. We declare this is just the beginning and they will see more signs and wonders in their midst and beyond. Bless them with an overwhelming sense of Your Presence in their gatherings.