In different parts of India, the oppression of Christians continues to rise. Aglow women in that nation have learned to move forward with caution and to look to God for direction in every situation. One testimony below from a Candlelight leader of that nation speaks of divine intervention by the Holy Spirit where a volatile situation was defused by His power!

On Christmas Eve an Aglow India Candlelight leader received an SOS prayer request from an advisor saying: Please pray the enemy is at work. Anti-Christians forces in large groups had come to disrupt a Christmas Celebration at the venue where 300 people were about to celebrate. The Candlelight leader immediately called another prayer warrior and together they stormed the Heavens in spiritual warfare taking authority in Jesus name. While praying, this leader saw a vision of several tall angels with brightly shining swords flashing in the night sky surrounding the advisor’s properties. The next morning the advisor sent a message saying: Sisters thank you for all your prayers. All went off well, the enemies left without much trouble, they probably saw the wounded Christ in a vision! They were able to continue their celebration until till 3 am. Praise Jesus.

Courageous women … Called by God … and going forth according to His purposes! To God be the glory great things He has done.

Note: Due to a rise in persecution of Christians in India the names and location have been omitted.