Jane Hansen Hoyt
November 16, 2005
Nashville, Tennessee

This past June, we had a President's Summit that was held in the Seattle area, and it was for all of the Presidents, what we call Lighthouse Presidents, and I think you overseas call them Local Presidents.  It was a gathering of all of our Local Presidents, Lighthouse Leaders and Area Leaders, and it was a time we wanted to just pour into them.  During our time together, Diane Moder and I had an opportunity to have a very brief lunch together and she was just updating me on the mandate that she gives oversight to.  And you are all aware which mandate that is.  As we were talking in our rushed manner because we just had a few moments to talk, I said wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just have a block of time to get together to really look at what the Lord is saying to us as we look toward the future related to our ministry, and specifically the mandates that He has spoken over Aglow International.

So I formed a Task Force and I had some members of the staff, I had some board members from the United States, Diane came, and we determined that this would be a time, not of a hard agenda, by that I mean long and detailed, but we would just have a few topics there that would help lead us and steer us in the right direction.

So, as we began that first day, things seemed to be percolating.  There was much life there.  We began with worship, and as we do in our International Board meetings, we often spend time every morning just worshiping the Lord.  And out of that, the business seems to flow more smoothly.  As our discussion began following the worship time, one of the women present began to talk about the foundational message and aspect of the male-female mandate, and the reconciliation of men and women back to what God had purposed for them from the beginning of time.  It is a message that I spoke yesterday, but indeed, when I stood, I didn't even have the first line of what I was going to say.  It was a message that literally unfolded as I stood before those of you who were present.  So it might be a DVD you all might want to pick up and view.  There are threads you will have heard before, but I also believe that God was breathing fresh life on this mandate, broader understanding of why He has called us in this hour with such a mandate.

We talked a fair amount of length about the importance of this mandate.  That, indeed, everything else that we do, and that we are about, hinges on this mandate.  Sometimes I think we struggle.  Has it caught your heart and do you understand that it is foundational to what you do as leaders in the ministry?  It gives purpose for why you are doing what you are doing, and that is to see women restored, renewed, filled with the Spirit, made alive to God and made alive to the big picture, the purposes of God in the earth.  God is ever moving towards the fulfillment of that purpose and plan as it was spoken back in the first three chapters of Genesis.  He isn't going to ignore that and get on with some other kind of plan.  So, for Him to call forth a ministry called Aglow at this specific point in time, this time in history, is very purposeful from His point of view.  And we, as leaders in this ministry, we as Christians, we all need to see things from His point of view; not ours, not what we think, not us scrambling to put pieces together and to try to understand.

It says in Matthew 13:11, that "it has been given to you.." turn to your neighbor and say "it has been given to me..."  "It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom."  Let me say that again.  It has, not it will be if you are really nice, He will give you a little peek.  We are His people, we are all He has got.  He is saying to us.  It has been given to you to know, to understand, to walk with knowledge and an understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom.  This isn't some kind of game He is playing with us.  So, square your shoulders.  I know the mysteries, I have understanding, I see from His point of view, I am His woman.

So this is a mandate of seeing women brought alive to their place and their purpose so they can square their shoulders and say, "My goodness, I am His woman!  I thought I was just digging around in the dirt down here trying to make a living, raise some kids, get along with my husband and just make it through life."  No, we have a message for the women of the world that should turn the world upside down.  Everything you do, every meeting you hold, should be impacted with the presence of God, filled with His Spirit, excitement.

We were sitting around the breakfast table this morning, and we have been here for a few days and have been involved in meetings and there are long hours and short times of sleep.  You know when you first wake up and you think, "Oh, boy."  But we were talking about the fact that it is Wednesday.  Tomorrow it begins.  Yes, it has already begun.  Yes, we already feel His presence.  I can't wait to hear and see what God is going to do in our midst while we are here.  So, I say, body line up.  Shake it off.  Be alive.  Be rested and be expectant.  You are God's woman.  Don't ever doubt it.  You are God's woman.  You are God's woman for this hour.  He has called you; He has anointed you; He has prepared you.  You are ready for this hour and don't let the enemy tell you you are not.

As we talked about the male-female mandate, something else began to surface that same day.  We talked about how God has used Aglow to train women.  Wouldn't you all say that?  I would.  He has trained us up.  He has equipped us.  He has given us courage.  How could we have stood behind podiums and talked like we know what we are talking about?  It is God.  It is the power of His Spirit.  It is His transforming power that has totally rearranged and changed our lives and empowered us.

So, we spent a bit of time talking about how marvelously used this ministry is to impact, to train, to strengthen, to lift up women and bring them into places of leadership.  It is an awesome and amazing thing.  When you think of some of the nations of the world where - Nepal comes to mind - where are our leaders from Nepal?  Can you stand and wave at us?  Where are you?  There they are.  Welcome, Nepal.  You think of God invading that nation.  To tiny, short, little women like that.  Power-packed women of the hour.  Women for their nations.  Women are rocking the nations of the world.

A friend of mine, Naomi Dowdy, who is an Assembly of God pastor in Singapore, pastors a church of about five thousand.  She is very apostolic in nature and just a wonderful woman.  This summer I was with her, along with Barbara Wentroble and Barbara Yoder, at a conference in Michigan.  And Barbara Wentroble, over our lunch one day, just began expounding the wonders of Aglow and how she got her beginnings, her start from Aglow.  And she said, "You know I learned about the apostolic in Aglow."  We didn't call it that, but it is what we were doing.  How to trust God, how to wait on God, how to venture out and make decisions that really transformed the ministry in the Dallas area where she lived.

And then Pat Francis, another speaker there, began saying, "Well, I received the baptism of the Spirit in Aglow."  She now pastors a church of five thousand in Toronto.  And Naomi turned to me and she said, "Have you ever considered the fact that Aglow is probably the premier training vehicle of women in the earth today?"  I said, "Yes, it had occurred to me."

So, we were looking at the training aspect and thinking, but don't panic we are not changing this, but, you know how in a time of dialog you think, well, maybe that should be a fourth mandate.  I have just been trying to take you on the journey of how we landed where we landed.  We began to look at other key elements in the ministry and just talked, dialogued, prayed, and thought.  At the end of the day I thought, well, my goodness, we have landed several places and this is just the first day.

The Lord dropped something into my heart and I said, "Tonight when you go home, I want you to prioritize the various aspects that you see within this ministry.  Put what you think are really the key elements of Aglow International and put it in a list, put it in an order in a way that you think. Because, if I asked you this morning, there would be many things, you would acknowledge: the three mandates.  But there would be many other elements that you know are key and critical, things that you do that express Aglow in your part of the world.  We have a term here in the United States that women have a way of keeping many plates spinning.  You know how you can be cooking dinner but ironing clothes, and taking care of the kids, and feeding the dog.  That is just something God has put within a woman.  So when we look at all these elements in Aglow, and you realize how much you do that is all ministry focused and it is all important, and sometimes then you come to a conference and you think, okay I am hearing about this and I am hearing about that, what am I to go home and do."

That night I climbed in bed; I had given them an assignment to prioritize and I went to bed.  Things were rolling around in my head.  I had thought I would wait for them to bring their list.  I went to bed with this just mulling.  The next morning I woke up and I took a little piece of paper, and it was just a little small notebook size piece of paper, and as I sat there I thought, okay, big picture.  Because for me, if I get the big picture, then the other pieces fit and they have meaning.  I always go to the big picture first.

Do you know Aglow is a kingdom ministry?  And because it is a kingdom ministry, we must have a kingdom mindset.  It has been given to you to know, to understand the mysteries of the kingdom, because we are to be bringing the kingdom of God to earth.  So He is not going to have you walking blindly.  He wants you to know and understand.  Today we have worldwide leadership gathered here together.  Kingdom ministers.  And it is important that you, as the leadership, also walk with the big picture, with a kingdom mentality and a kingdom mindset so that you can feed your nations, lead your areas in the United States, and you can lead this ministry forward from His point of view.

What would you think if you had to give an answer?  What would you say is a kingdom call?  What is the big picture?  This is the big picture.  It is the restoration of God's purpose set forth in the garden.  It is the restoration of His purpose as set forth in Genesis.  And what is the restoration of God's purpose?  What was His purpose from the beginning -- very simple.  That God would have a son who would have a body through whom He might express Himself.  That is the kingdom call.  God sent His son.  His son acquired a body.  He suffered, bled and died and rose again to gather to Himself a body of people through whom He could express Himself.  He could bring heaven to earth.  He could bring kingdom authority, the very authority of heaven to earth.  That is the big picture.

So, in your nations, in your meetings, in your local or lighthouse meetings, this is always the goal.  The restoration of His purpose.  We are kingdom bringers.  We are God's woman for the hour.  We want to express to them that He died for them, that He might express His life through them.  You do that in many ways, many expressions in your meetings.  Creative, winsome ways, but that is always the goal.  Healing, deliverance, salvation, baptism of the Spirit, everything you do is to bring forth the expression of Christ in that woman, because then she will become His woman in the earth.

What was the beginning place?  How did it begin?  How, as God perceived this in His heart and mind, did He perceive He would begin to bring this forth?  It began with a man and a woman.  That was the beginning place. That was to be the place where the first expression of God would begin to come forth in the earth.  It was the very foundation of His plan.  Say to your neighbor, it was the beginning place.  From the single element of a man and a woman, the forward motion of what He would unfold, would come.  But this is an element that would never be done away with, would never be ignored.  It is part of the DNA of God's plan, so it can't be set apart, it can't be set aside.  It is one of the primary elements of God's plan and it will forever be a part of that plan and purpose.  So, when we are thinking kingdom principles, we always have to see the restoration of women is about something bigger than her just being saved, filled with the Spirit, getting joyful over what God has done in her life and feeling like she is God's woman in the earth. That has to ultimately come together with what God will do through men and women as He spoke it in Genesis 3.  It will be the ultimate destiny of the body of Christ being fulfilled in the earth, and He has given into your hands a huge, huge portion of that plan.  The restoration of women.  That the restoration of the body of Christ might come in to wholeness.

But as you have heard me say before, until women are restored, until the barrenness in women has been made whole and productive, the church, the body of Christ, can never become what it was meant to become.  I think of the scripture in Hebrew where it says by faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place where he would receive an inheritance.  It sounds like it was all about Abraham.  Well, He was God's choice; he was God's man.  But alone he would never receive that inheritance, because it goes on to say, by faith Sarah, herself, also received strength to conceive seed.  And she bore a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful Who had promised.  In order for Abraham to receive the prophetic word God had spoken, in order for him to become what God purposed, in order for his destiny and his inheritance to be fulfilled, God said I will deal with the barrenness in Sarah, so that "together"...it is just another picture, in another way and another time, of that male-female thing coming together to fulfill the plan of God and to bring forth Jesus in the earth.  Are you with me?

So, He began with a plan, and He perceived that out of that plan He would begin with a man and a woman, and He said this is what dominion will look like in the earth.  It will always be man and women functioning together to bring forth heaven on earth and to express the image of God.  From a man and a woman it went out to a family, and a family would become a people, and the people would become a nation, and the nation would be called Israel.
In Genesis 12:2, God speaking to Abraham, said, "in you," now he is speaking to a man, "all the families of the earth will be blessed."  Often, in scripture, you will see the nations spoken of all the families of the nation.  He is saying to Abraham, in you all the families of the nations will be blessed.  So God had the nations on His heart, but He was doing it step-by-step.  First a man and a woman, then a family who would become a people, who would become a nation, who would become Israel.

In John 8:58, it speaks about Abraham, this is Jesus speaking, but it speaks about Abraham as the starting point.  It is not Adam, it is Abraham and it is because, through Adam sin came.  But it was through Abraham that things would begin to be turned again.  So, in verse 58 it says, Jesus is speaking, "Most assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."  So Abraham was God's choice.  A people, first a family, then a people, then a nation, and through him all the families of the earth would be blessed.  Israel was intended to have become the beginning place of the body of Christ.  That was God's plan.  It started with a man and a woman, the fall came, God ultimately brought it back to a man, who became a family, who became a people, who became a nation, who became Israel.

God has made an everlasting covenant with Israel.  And just as I said, the DNA of God's plan is contained in the man and the woman; the ongoing plan of God is also contained within Israel.  You see the law of first mention in Genesis the first three chapters.  Then you see it again in Genesis twelve.  The law of first mention always means you can count on that being fulfilled.  Everything that you read after that point is filling in some blank spaces.  It is a journey, it is telling a story but it will always bring you back to this point.

So Israel was to become the expression of God in the earth and ultimately the body of Christ.  Who would, then, less us?  They would bless the families of the nation.  But Israel refused.  They did not become what God had intended.  But it doesn't mean He will deviate from that plan.  As I said, He has made an everlasting covenant with His people.

In 1 Chronicles 17, you have heard me share this before, but once again, "Who is like your nation Israel.  The one nation on earth whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people - to make for Yourself a name by great and awesome deeds, by driving out nations from before Your people whom You redeemed from Egypt?  For You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever; - say forever - and You, Lord, have become their God.  So Israel refused.  It started with a man and woman, a family, a people, a nation, Israel.  Israel refused.  So it became a word to the Gentiles.  He established the church.  The body of Christ through the Gentiles.  Now the Gentiles or the church, or the body of Christ were to be the expression of Christ in the earth and contained in that expression of Christ in the earth.

There were certain elements that He intended to be seen, felt and heard.  One was that men and women would have caught His heart about what He intended for men and women and how they were to function together.  How they were to be the image of God.  That when they accepted Christ, traditions and beliefs and things that had nothing to do with the kingdom would fall away and we would merge together in this powerful expression of His life in the earth.  He is still working on that one.  He expected that the body of Christ, because they had received Christ, would understand that He wanted Christ's brothers brought in too.  He has never lost sight of Israel and He expected that the church of the living God would also embrace them, to begin to pick up that burden to give birth to them back to what God had intended from the beginning.  It always moved in a circular manner.  He has never set it aside.

And then there was the other brother.  Ishmael.  He had pronounced things over Ishmael that will yet come to pass.  This is what He expected in the body of Christ.  So we are talking about a kingdom call.  The kingdom from His point of view.  Not ours.

I began thinking about unique and individual anointings contained within the body of Christ.  And I just began jotting down a few things.  Stay with me.  I thought about the local church.  The power, the importance, the place of the local church.  A local church usually has a local mindset.  They minister to local needs.  They minister to individuals.  They minister to families.  They minister to the community.  It is a local church.  Corporately it becomes a mighty church, but each individual church is local.

I thought about the ministry of Youth With A Mission, a powerful ministry in the earth today wouldn't you say so?  What would you say is the primary focus of Youth With A Mission?  It is discipleship training.  What a mighty call, but it is primarily youth oriented.  It isn't necessarily family oriented, or directed toward Islam or Israel, it is discipleship training, it is raising up the youth to go out and be disciples.

I thought about another powerful ministry, Promise Keepers.  Promise Keepers was very active here in the United States and I know was also active in some nations overseas.  This is a ministry that was strongly called to raise up men of God.  To help men become promise keepers.  It turned them toward their wives; first of all towards God, towards their wives, toward their families.  It was very powerful.  It was like it rose quickly and it grew quickly.  But when Coach began to feel the call towards Israel, a change occurred in his life and he left Promise Keepers and began to pursue the call, I believe it is called The Road to Jerusalem.

There is another ministry called The Call.  Have you heard of it?  Its primary focus is prayer.  They have really tapped into the youth of our nation and other nations of the world.  It, I think, is primarily a national thing.  It began here in America with Lou Engles and Che Ahn, pastors from the California area.  But it expanded out to other nations.  But it is primarily praying for this nation and the nations of the world.

Then I thought I thought about the United Prayer Network.  They have a network that is focused on prayer.  It is national and some international but they are called to prayer.  That is their anointing.

I thought about ministries like World Concern and World Vision.  What a powerful call they have.  Humanitarian aid, reaching out to help tsunami victims and hurricane victims, and feeding the poor.  They have just done an amazing work in the earth.  They are to be applauded about how faithfully they have moved forward with the vision and the anointing God has placed on them.

I thought about the Billy Graham Association.  If you had to pick a word for Billy Graham's ministry, wouldn't you say evangelism?  What an anointing on this man to call the lost to Christ.  He has stayed singly focused on that call out of obedience to the Lord.

I thought about other women's ministries.  I thought about the local church because local church women often gather together.  I thought about different bible study programs.  I thought about community efforts.  I thought about various seminars, retreats or even conferences that are held.  But most of those conferences do have ongoing grass roots work in the same way that we do.

Then I thought about Aglow and began to jot down what is in the house of Aglow.  It is interesting to note that in 1981 the male-female reconciliation message began to be spoken forth in this house.  And the way we picked it up was to minister to women; to have lighthouses and local fellowships begin to speak to them words of life.  To see them filled with the Spirit, see them function in the gifts of the Spirit.  Then, ten years later in 1991, a prophetic word came that He had put a thread in our hands that would unravel the garment of Islam.  And ten years later in 2001 another word came.  It wasn't in the public setting of Aglow.  It followed our first trip into Israel in the year 2000, when God just began to surface something in my own heart.  But it came in 2001 in the state of Florida, with prophets and apostles anointing and prophetically speaking and apostolically calling forth through me, the call to Israel.  And that call has been extended since that time to this ministry.

I thought about the fact that those three elements all pointed back to the original plan and purpose of God.  They are all contained in the house of Aglow.  I don't know of another ministry that carries that unique and that powerful an anointing and call.  And you, as the leadership of this ministry, I pray it dawns on you today in an even greater way the significance of God's hand upon Aglow.  This is not to brag about Aglow, but it is to acknowledge what God has chosen to do.  I don't see this housed in any other ministry.  His original heart, the man and the woman, the beginning place of the unfolding of His plan.  Then it went to a people, a nation and Israel.  He wanted the body of Christ to see and to feel His heart for His people.  There is much more anti-Semitism and replacement theology in the church today than one would expect.  It is shocking.  So He said, I brought forth a group of women in the earth who, I am pretty sure if I speak this to them, they'll catch it, they will pick it up, and they will begin to carry it in the womb of their spirit.  They have got it, they are going to begin to give birth to what was on My heart way back in the beginning when I said to Abraham, through you, Abraham, I am going to bless the families of the earth.  Will somebody say amen?  It is incredible what God has done when He has placed this call upon this ministry and you, as the leadership, have picked it up, sometimes not fully understanding but knowing in your spirit, yes God, I don't know what to do, but yes, yes, yes.  Put it within me.  Impart Your heart in me.  Let me see.  It has been given to you to understand His heart.  To receive the impartation of His heart.  To carry His heart.  To give birth to His heart.  God, this is amazing!

Then He said, you know there is the other brother, too.  Would you carry that, too?  Yes, we have a lot to do, but, yeah, we will carry that too, because we know what it means to keep plates spinning.  So give us a lot of plates, we will keep it going.  This is the DNA of the kingdom.  When we say there's a kingdom call, we need a kingdom mindset that has been given to you, as the leadership of this ministry, to walk with a kingdom ministry mentality that pushes every obstruction out of the way, that keeps you focused in your nation.  I know who I am, I know who He is, I know where I am going, and I know why I am going there.  It is about the kingdom coming to earth.  It is about darkness being sent forth to light.  Oh my Lord.  My Lord.

So we began back in 1981, we heard this word.  It sounded like a word of encouragement to women.  You have been called to be a help.  Man's aloneness isn't good.  I can go with that.  He has given us bite size pieces all along the way.  Here, eat this today.  So we walk in that for a while.  The next time you come to conference, He says, well, I have a little bit more for you.  So we take a little bit more and we piece it together with what we heard last year.  Then we get a book, and we get a DVD, and we come back to conference. By the time we come to 2005, we have a banquet table set before us of the purposes of God unfolding in the earth, and He has called you, and He has called this ministry.  We have picked up the burden of His heart and we are saying God you can count on me.

We have written a couple of books: The Journey of a Woman and Fashioned For Intimacy.  We have sent out DVDs. Things are picking up, heating up.  You have been getting more DVDs this year and we hear you are liking it.  You have been getting more letters.  You have got a new website.  Do you love it?  Everything is accelerating.  It is moving more quickly.  We need to keep pace with where God is going.  We need to keep communication lines open, because He is on the move.  There is a tornado warning out.  Every conference message that is spoken by the leadership of this ministry has had to do with one of these three mandates.  Every conference message you have heard from me hits on some aspect of these three mandates.  We met with a writer here in Nashville and we are going to produce a series of books that will begin to come out.  Books and booklets.  Bite-size pieces that will be available to our ministry.

Then you think about Israel.  Now this isn't the exact order that it came to Aglow, but is God's order so we will seek it in His order.  Israel came next.  When that word came, and that anointing came, and we showed that video two, three or four years ago, with the anointing...do any of you remember that?  Didn't you feel there was an impartation into the ministry as that came forth?  We began by taking a trip.  You know, so often it is like you don't know what you are doing, but you take the next step and then the next step unfolds.  Since that time, we have taken trips into the land every single year but last year, and we are going again this next year.  There has been an impartation of His heart as we familiarize ourselves with the land and the people, as we journey there.

We have given gifts, financial gifts, to help the people in Israel.  We have had speakers at our conference related to this topic and wait until you hear Asher speak this year.  We have had DVDs go out.  There is written material.  I have formed an Israel Council with Don Finto, Jim Goll, David Dreiling and Judy Ball.  People where some are Jewish, some are just seasoned travelers in the land that will help us as we traverse this land.  I have been asked to be a part of Knessett Christian Allied Caucus, which is a women's council there in Jerusalem.  I have also been asked to serve on the European Alliance for Israel, Christians for Israel.  If it has Israel attached to it, I am part of it.  The most recent one is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews with Gary Bauer, Rex Reed, Rabbi Eckstein and different people.  So, we are stepping, we are moving, we are walking by faith.

With Islam, we began the same way.  We began with prayer.  We didn't know what else to do.  We moved from that to a consultant, Dr. Sam Solomon; what a blessing he was to us.  The training, the learning, the understanding, but it wasn't just knowledge, it was like revelation.  We were seeing and sensing what God was unfolding in our own spirits.  We began with a television program in the Arabic language in 2003.  We have a new website.  You will be hearing more detail through Diane Moder during our conference.  But we have a website in Arabic for these people that is just awesome.  The development of a unique lighthouse is in Hershey, Pennsylvania.  You know Hershey's chocolate?  That's where it comes from.  And the Lord has led them in a unique way.  You will be hearing from Abby.  The US people will be hearing from her this afternoon, and all of us will hear from her during conference, of how God has led them to minister to the world, to minister to Muslim people and to provide safe houses.  We will be talking more about that.  We have done mapping within the United States to see locations of significant places related to this particular mandate and ways the lighthouses of Aglow are beginning to surround the mountain.  We have a training manual.  Diane has trained leaders across the United States.  She has been in Europe and other nations overseas, training how to love the people, how to witness to them, and how to walk in the knowledgeable way in the area of prayer.

So much has taken place as we have journeyed along with these three mandates.  So we have talked about the three mandates and a couple more thoughts and I will close this message.  Back to the September Task Force meeting, we have got the three mandates.  God, all of a sudden, just clicked it in place.  The incredibleness of what He has done.  God, we do train leaders, we do prayer, we do evangelism.  There is a whole manner of activity that Aglow is about.  So, on the screen here you can see the foundational aspect, the DNA of Aglow.  And what you see there is that we train and mobilize women; that is one of the plates we spin.  That is just part of who we are and what we do.  We are not saying stop doing that and come over here and just pray for Jewish people.  No it is all part of the package.

There is a building of awareness amongst our women.  A building of awareness in our ministry of the global call, the kingdom call on Aglow.  Under prayer force think about the fact that we probably have the largest prayer network in the world that can be mobilized within minutes.  By Nancy placing a few calls, sending a few emails, we have a network of praying, warring women that will arise to the call within a moment's time.  I think of even the fact that, with the recent tsunami and then the hurricanes on this side of the ocean, we even have disaster relief functioning within the ministry.  We started with a relief fund for the tsunami victims, but when hurricane Katrina, then Rita and Wilma happened here in the states, we determined we needed to change the title of that from Tsunami Relief to Disaster Relief.  And I believe God is calling us to get teams of women in place that can be mobilized again, within a moment's notice, if there is an earthquake, if there is a need in your part of the world.  That Aglow women will be on the scene ministering the love of Christ and giving food, water or whatever is needed to those victims.

Then we also are about evangelism.  Can we have that foundational piece up again?  There we have got evangelize.  We are about evangelism.  At our conferences we speak about it.  We have Gifts to the City.  It is part of our DNA, we just reach out wherever are.  I love what our sister from Fiji said today.   Of how she felt the call of God to these three mandates and He gave her the opportunity on one trip to minister in all three areas.  We just do it..

That's Nike - just do it.

We have DVDs related to evangelism.  We have regional events that have to do with evangelism.  There are written materials, and I already mentioned the humanitarian aid.  But I also thought about the day of Lasting Impact that we do each year.  I thought about the Love Your Neighbor Program, which is really about evangelism.  Just simply loving your neighbor.  I thought of the prison ministries all over the world, and how we reach into prison houses to minister and to evangelize.  There are many, many ways you, as Aglow women, and you, as Aglow leadership, are being called to evangelize, to pray, to embrace the three mandates, to embrace the kingdom call and hence to embrace the very heart of God as He wants it to unfold in the earth today.

Has a picture come together in your mind today where we have seen mandates, and we have thought, okay, I will pick this up and I will try to do this?  As you begin to see the kingdom call,  and the fact that I don't know of another ministry that houses the kingdom call, the heart of God as spoken back in the beginning of Genesis.  There is a kingdom call that we will yet see come forth in the earth.  You have heard me say this before.  Only heaven will reveal what you, as Aglow women, praying women, believing women, loving women, will birth in the earth for the kingdom, but more importantly, for God through Aglow, through the simple things that you do in your city and your nation.

Let's stand to our feet....let's join hands together...

Lord I believe that you are revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to us.  We as the leadership of this ministry stand as a united force.  We represent the world.  There are one hundred and three nations represented here, but in a very real way we represent the world, the nations of the world, the women of the world, the various cultures of the world, the various needs of the world.  And as a united force and as a ministry, we declare to heaven, earth and hell we are your women.  We have been called of god.  We embrace the call.  We embrace the vision.  We embrace the mandates, we embrace your heart.  We embrace into our dna your dna and we say, we will move forward in the days ahead no matter what comes we have received an unshakable kingdom within us and we will not be moved from the place that you have called us as a ministry.  So this day we call forth the fullness of what you meant from the beginning between men and women.  We break down every barrier and every obstacle and we call together a merging of these two to become as one voice, one expression, different genders but the heart and the voice of the living God for Israel.  Oh Lord, they are your people.  We embrace them into our hearts, we lay aside any prejudice, any sense that would hinder the beautiful flow and purity of your heart, your purpose flowing through us and we say we love them and we embrace them.  And god we will not, we will not rest until we see the veilness and the glory and the wonder that you purpose for them.  Manifest it in your people the Jews.  And lord for the other brother, lord fill our hearts with love and compassion and caring.  Lord we just embrace them also into our hearts like a mother with many children, lord we love them all.  And we ask that in the days ahead that the veil that is over their eyes would be lifted.  That they would be filled with the hope and a light that they know nothing of.  Jesus we speak your lovely name.  We speak your name over Islam, over Israel, over the church male and female.  We speak the name of Jesus over this convention center and over this conference.  Come by the power of your spirit and define us in a new way by your presence.
