The theme for our conference is "Destiny".  Say it again.  Say it again.  Go ahead.  A friend of mine said to me recently, I feel like the word that you will bring is a positioning word.  So I will just state it right up front.  Destiny, in itself, is a positioning word.  Let me share a couple of quotes with you.  "Our destiny rules over us even when we are not aware of it.  Another writer said, "The creator has not given you a longing to do what you have no ability to do.  That longing within you, that thing that is rising up, He's put it in you."  Ronald Reagan said, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny."

In April, I was in Southern California, Ontario.  Yes, my friend from Ontario, where four area boards gathered together and we had a time.  A prophetic word came forth in that setting that I believe was packed with destiny.  It was a pastor that was speaking and this word went on for probably thirty or forty minutes.  It was profound.  Those of you who attended our Area Leadership Training, you heard that word.  Wasn't it profound?

He said, Now I see a misunderstanding through Aglow throughout the world.  I see this misunderstanding that, in the minds of the women, that Aglow is aglow.  But there is a misperception of the size of the power of the authority that I have given you.  The Lord says the word went on that when there is a fire, there is a burning ember at the core of that fire and it is aglow.  It feeds the fire, it keeps the fire going.  It is the last thing to burn out.  For I have planted you in the midst of this world to keep the fire burning.  And I have planted you in this nation and in the midst of cities in this nation to keep the fire burning.  And when a fire burns, it consumes everything in its path.  When a fire burns, it takes the fuel and it makes a fire and My Holy Spirit is the fire of Aglow.  You are not just aglow, you are the lighthouse in the darkness, says the Lord, Your God.

God is saying that He has kept something alive in Aglow for His purposes.   It isn't because we are so smart or great.  God had a holy purpose when He brought forth this ministry that has increased and increased and increased with time as the years have gone by.  We are in our 39th year.  Next year, in Seattle, we are going to celebrate our 40th year, the place where the ministry was birthed.  God had a holy purpose for this ministry.  He had a holy calling on you, as women, when He called forth women in the earth, and when He spoke to the male and female and said take dominion.  This ministry has not waned.  It has grown.  The ember has not gone out, God has continued to fan the flame to keep the fire burning, to make the fire hotter and it is for His sake, and His purpose, and it is for this hour.  We are a ministry filled with destiny because He has designed it and spoken it into being.

So God has kept Aglow alive.  To keep something of His Holy Spirit alive in the earth.  That is the burning ember at the core of the fire. And the core is the central part, the foundational part, the place in a nuclear reactor where fission occurs.  Fission is splitting of an atomic nucleus resulting in the release of large amounts of energy.  Nuclear fission results in atomic bombs and we are carriers of the Holy Spirit, a power far greater than found in something like an atomic bomb.  The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth when it was without form and void and He said let there be and there was.

Isaiah 61 says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, to preach good tidings, to heal the broken hearted to proclaim liberty, to open prison doors to those who are bound, to comfort those who mourn, to exchange beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, praise for heaviness."  That is the ministry of Aglow.  You and I, this ministry, has a rendezvous with destiny.

I am reading a book entitled Powerful Times.  It is a secular book.  So, as I said, it is entitled, Powerful Times:  Rising to the Challenge of our Uncertain World.  And the author poses the question, "Can we really rise to the demands of our powerful times?"  He states, "We find ourselves in a period of unprecedented complexity.  The world is changing at an astonishing rate.  The entire planet is interconnected in ways that it has never been before.  It is hard to make sense of what happens in our world today."  Think of it, just in a single day, the events of a day, the things that we hear on television, read in the papers.  He said, "It is hard to make sense of what happens in our world in a single day, let alone what it means for tomorrow.  History is truly in motion and so is biblical history."

"We are living in a time when history and headlines are colliding.  Much of what we have taken for granted today, based on centuries of experience and history, might be in the process of unraveling.  Fundamental truths that we take for granted are simply the fragile constructs of history and could shift radically in the decade ahead." the author states.  He goes on, "We are at a critical threshold in which much that has been established during the last five centuries, may significantly change and with remarkable speed.  The world is increasingly complex, interconnected and increasingly volatile.  It appears that we are living through a change of age."  He stated that in the decade ahead, the collective choices and actions of people, businesses organizations and governments everywhere, will likely define and shape global civilization for the next generation and beyond.  These are the words, the thoughts, and the wonderings of secular society.  These are the realities of the day in which we live.  But we have been called and we have been fashioned for such a time as this.  If your eyes ever scan television, catch the headlines on a newspaper, you are aware of the critical threshold the world has reached.  Everyone is feeling the weight of the world we live in.  You as intelligent followers of God, leaders, participants called for this hour.  Do you believe you were called for this hour?  You have been given an unprecedented opportunity to speak from a deep awareness, from a place of peace and confidence, into the realities of today's world and to speak and pray from a biblical perspective, from a deep awareness that God is in control.  You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.

The secular world asked the question, "Can we really rise to the demands of these powerful troubled times?"  We hear about the third world war.  The war on terrorism.  Most recently Hezbollah and their war of aggression on Israel, an escalation and a more blatant expression of the hatred and everything that Christians and Jews stand for and hatred of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  In Isaiah, chapter 8, verses 11-13, "Do not think like everyone else does.  Do not be afraid that some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you.  Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty.  He alone is the holy one and if you fear Him you need fear nothing else.  He will keep you safe."

Psalm 119: verses 161 and 165:  The word says, "My heart stands in awe of Your word.  Great peace have those who love Your word."

 We are living in troubled times but God is on the throne.  He is in control and this ministry has been called, formed, shaped, prepared and made ready for such a time as this.  I believe He is calling women in an unprecedented way.  He has prepared us in an unusual way and we are ready to step into the battle.

I think of the recent summit in Cuba, earlier this month.  A 118 nations representing two-thirds of the nations of the world attending this non-aligned nations summit.  The president of Iran, Syria, North Korea was represented, Chavez  from Venezuela and the rhetoric that comes from the voices that we are hearing.  The voices that entered our own nation with taunting words, threatening words over this nation primarily, but the nations within the western world.  They are wanting to counter balance the power of the US and the leadership of the western world, and I will include Canada in this as well.  We are so glad that Canada is with us in this Conference.  We are redefining what defines terrorism, they said.  And they all agreed that the US is a terrorist nation, and they all agree that they hate the United States.  One news commentator said it is all just bluster on their part.  For years we believed that Osama Bin Laden was just bluster, but things are coming to a head in an astonishing rate and an astonishing speed.

The Iranian president said that he has a hatred of the Jews, of Israel, Zionism, Christians, America, and the Western world.  He has repeatedly stated that this cancerous tumor of a state, Israel, should be removed from the region.  Like it or not, he said, the Zionist rĂ©gime is heading toward annihilation.  It is a rotten, dead tree that will be eliminated by one storm.  This one who boldly refuses to back down with regards to Iran's nuclear program, this one who backs Hezbollah is allowed to come to US soil.  We give him a visa, we give him security while he is here, so that he can spew out his brazen, evil remarks, his hatred, right under our nose and we listen to the escalation of his rhetoric.

We have just had a prime example of two distinct world systems; the world's reaction to the words spoken by the President of Iran and the world's reaction to the word spoken by the Pope.  The New York Times was one of the first to demand an apology from the Pope.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, western forces are doomed to defeat.  Future attacks are eminent.  Your days are pregnant.  In warfare there is always a sound and a language to it.  The sound is intimidation.  Goliath said, I'll feed you to the birds.  Who are you to come out and set your battle in array?  There is always a sound to the voice of the enemy.

In Minnesota, a Muslim won the primary and if he wins the election, he will be the first Muslim to serve in Congress.  We are living in changing, shifting, dangerous times.

We recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of 9/11, where 3,000 lives were lost.  And the question that I heard continually on television from the public, are we safe?  Have security measures been put in place that make us more secure than before?  There was talk about sleeper cells, terrorist cells, right here within the United States.  There is a fear.  There is a concern.  But there is this desire to just go back to life as normal.  Can we just feel safe again?  We are living in a different day.  There was a shift that took place in the year 2000.  We are not going back to the days we knew before that.

Recently I listened to a message by a Messianic Jew, Rabbi Jonathan Cowan.  He pastors or leads a Messianic congregation in New Jersey, and he spoke about 9/11 and Katrina.  He feels that there were several key signs given related to 9/11, several specific signs that the Lord gives a nation when they are at a critical juncture, and it is something that goes back to the ancient days of Israel.  In Isaiah 9, northern Israel had gone into apostasy, so God sent prophets to warn them.  He had allowed them to go on in their way until a critical time and then things began to shift so that He could get their attention.  He had allowed judgment to begin to come to them, even though it was strongly laced with mercy.  But He lets judgment to come to get the attention of the nation.  In Isaiah 9 we read:  "The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with hewn stones.  The sycamores are cut down but we will replace them with cedars."

He went to 9/11.  Living in New Jersey, he lived close to New York City, obviously, and so He went to the site where the towers were brought down.  He said God has pleaded with America to turn back to Him and after many pleadings, He will allow the hedge of a nation to be breached.  For the enemy to bring a measure of destruction, but on a limited scale, and then follows a period of grace.  Will they turn?  Will their hearts be awakened to Me?  Will they listen?  Following 9/11, the churches were filled for about a thirty-day period.  It sort of gave the sense of what revival would be like if a whole nation turned back to God.  And then, after thirty days, things shifted back to normal.

Because the Rabbi lives in the New York area, he was at ground zero following 9/11, the ground that was covered with fallen bricks.  And he said the officials began to speak out.  We will rebuild.  We will rebuild stronger and higher.  We are going to build a freedom tower, higher than the trade center.  We will rebuild with quarried stone. 

July 2004, leaders gathered at ground zero, the Mayor and other significant leaders.  And the purpose of the gathering was to begin the rebuilding, and according to the pattern of Israel, it began with quarried stone.  Over ground zero, an object was being lowered from the sky and it was a giant quarried stone, cut from the mountain rocks of New York and they called it the freedom stone.  A big deal was made out of this.  They kept saying we are going to rebuild stronger, and higher.  This will mark the rebuilding of America.  One of the leaders said we are the heirs of the spirit of defiance.  America had not moved closer to God.

In that period since 9/11, the Supreme Court struck down all the sodomy laws.  Another court case sought to remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance.  There was an issue with the Ten Commandments in one of our Southern states.  We say God bless America, but as a nation are we blessing God?

The Word says the Sycamore tree had been cut down.  The biblical sycamore doesn't grow in New York City, however, on 9/11 a particular incident happened.  A steel beam from the north tower was hurled from the sky and struck down a nearby object and it was a tree.  The tree was a western version of the sycamore tree.  The people called it the tree of ground zero.  The sycamore had been cut down, but we will replace it with cedar the Word says in Isaiah.  The biblical cedar refers to a pine tree, a strong evergreen tree.  So, two years after 9/11, at the end of 2003, an object again is being lowered from the sky.  And into the hole where the sycamore had been struck down was a cedar tree with a ceremony around it that was said, this is part of our hope.

When Solomon dedicated the temple in Jerusalem, he gathered the people and the leaders  together, and he said when we win or when we depart from You, oh Lord, and then we come and we repent and we cry out and we turn back to You, hear from heaven, hear our cry for forgiveness and when you hear us, forgive.  And when we go out against our enemy and we pray to You, then hear from heaven and maintain our cause because we have no strength against our enemies without Almighty God.  They understood.  Does this nation understand?

Back to Solomon; it was a special day and they were going to dedicate the temple.  The temple represented the very essence of Israel.  It was His presence that defined them.  And there is a principle that when judgment comes, it will come to the ground where the nation has been dedicated to God just as judgment ultimately came to the temple.

America was born not on the fourth of July - that was when it became independent.  When it became fully constituted as a nation, it was April 30, 1789.  That was the day we had a government, a senate, a house of representatives, a president and when he was inaugurated, there was a call to dedicate America, a call to prayer and the words went out no nation can expect the favor of God if it turns away from God's ways.  So they gathered the leaders to a little church ready to dedicate America to God.  That was America's consecration ground.  The capital, then, was not in Washington DC, it was in New York City.  The little chapel, St. Paul's, is standing today.  That chapel is at the corner of ground zero.  America was dedicated to God at the corner of ground zero.  When judgment comes, it touches the place where the nation has been dedicated and where it made its covenant.

But there is more.  We all know that the seal of America is the eagle.  And the eagle holds arrows in one hand and an olive branch in another.  And it has a shield in front of it.  It is the symbol of this nation's power, might and protection. Do you know where the original one is kept?  It is not in the White House, it is not at the Pentagon, it is in that little chapel at the corner of ground zero.  Also on the wall is a plaque that is Washington's prayer when he said, "Lord, God, keep this nation under your perfect protection."  All around ground zero, every building was in some way shattered or affected.  Most of the buildings had to be taken down, destroyed, brought to the ground, except for one.  There was a small chapel where America had been dedicated to God, that God kept.  It is called the miracle of 9/11.

When Solomon dedicated the temple and he prayed, we see it in 1 Chronicles 7:14 where it says, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, if they will seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Interestingly, both 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina took place in the Hebrew month of Elul, the time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur.  That month has just shifted.  Could we be in that period of time, that period of grace, where God is watching over this nation, yearning for this nation, wanting to bring revival to this nation, but He is waiting to hear the cry of the people crying out in repentance for our haughtiness for turning from Him?  For thinking we are so brilliant and so smart that we have all the answers and can do it our way?  And we have turned from Him.  We are in a period of grace.  It has been five years since 9/11.  That grace will not last forever.

The question:  "Can we really rise to the demands of our powerful times?" the author wrote in the book that I quoted to you from.  Will we, as a ministry, allow the necessary changes to take place in us, within our ministry, and within the body of Christ, to keep us relevant and in step with the times God has chosen for us?  Thirty-nine years, soon to be forty years, of ministry and there has not been a waning.  We have added our 165th nation just this last month.  I think it was the nation of Morocco.

Last year, Asher Intrater from Jerusalem spoke to us, and he said every nation has two people groups, two groups of people: The general population, which is seen by God as rebellious to His authority, and the second group, the remnant, the group of the true followers of Jesus.  The spiritual destiny of a nation is carried by the remnant of believers in that nation.  You represent the true destiny of the nation of the United States of America.  From God's perspective, He looks to the remnant.  The same is true for the nation of Canada, the believers that God has raised up in that beautiful and mighty nation, the nation of Canada, the Aglow women, the ministry that God is raising up through the women in that nation, to intercede and cry out to God on behalf of the people and that nation.  It is our hour, it is our time, it is our destiny.

We cannot understand God's purpose and destiny for a nation by the unbelievers.  Even though the unbelievers represent the majority of the population, it is the believers who are the bearers of the national destiny and God has a spiritual purpose and a destiny for every single nation.  It is the struggle between the positive divine destiny and the negative demonic destiny that constitutes the battle.  The spiritual warfare, and this is the battle we find ourselves engaged in, but He has made us ready for the battle.  He has prepared us, He has shaped us, He has formed us, He has taught us.  Are we ready for the battle?  Can we rise? Will we rise?  Have we arisen?  The answer is a resounding yes!

I recently had knee surgery, if you see me hobbling around up here.  Thanks for your prayers, those of you who were aware of it.  It has been an interesting process.  While I was still in the hospital, kind of hobbling along, a therapist would come in to see me every day.  A new therapist came in one of the days and said you need to adjust your gait.  I felt like saying, it is easy for you to say!  God had implanted something within my being that I needed to adjust to, and I needed to adjust to a new gait.  I needed to find my way in a new step, in a new way, to walk.  I had knee replacement, in case you are wondering, and I felt like the Lord said to me, you need a new gait for the new gate that I have opened for you.  With the old knee, I had learned to cover what no longer worked well.  We girls are good at that aren't we?  For a while at least, I could fake it, but it came to a point where I could no longer make it with that old gait.  I needed something new.  The old had to be cut away and something new had to be put in its place so that I could have a new walk, a new gait, for the new gate God is opening to us.

Dutch Sheets, in 2004, gave us a prophetic message out of Acts 3.  He spoke about the gate beautiful, and beautiful means hoar in Greek and it comes from the word hour.  Do you remember Dutch's word to us?  It means the right hour or the right time.  Kairos means the right time for a strategic time.  God is speaking to us.  We need a new gait for the new gate that He is opening to us at this time, because it is a kairos time.  It is a kairos time in history; it is a kairos time for this ministry.  It is the right time.  It is a strategic time.  It is an opportune time and if you go through the right gate, with the right gait, you will get the right results.  He is adjusting the gait of Aglow.  Aglow is at the right gate, at the right time, to see the right results.

And Canada, I want to say this is your time.  This is your time.  You have an opportunity that is unprecedented, that you have never had before.  God is opening something up to you, Danielle, and you members of the National Board of Canada.  God is opening up something to this tremendous gate that He has put in place.  It is Canada's hour.  It is Canada's hour for the women of Canada to arise.  There is a gait God wants to give them.  There is a new gait He wants to give you, because He wants you to walk through His gate to bring forth the women of that nation in a mighty powerful way.   To awaken them to the times in which we live that He is causing an army of women to arise in this hour.  It is a kairos time for the women of the world.  God has prepared us for this hour.  You are going to see some amazing things happen with Aglow in Canada.  It isn't dead.  It has been waiting for the embers to be fanned.  God is going to cause the ministry to arise, because He has an army of women in that nation.  An army of prayer, praying women that need to arise in the nation of Canada to cover that beautiful and that vast region, to stand in agreement with Him for what He intends to do in the nation of Canada.  We are so honored and so blessed to be joined with our Canadian friends for this conference.  Aren't you blessed?  Tell them!

It was in 2004 at our conference where Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder spoke.  It was at the US National Conference.  Do you remember, for those of you who were present, that at one of the sessions we were interrupted by an emergency signal and we had to exit the building?  It happened two years in a row.  I think God is talking to us.  After the first time in 2004, there was a powerful prophetic word that came from Barbara Yoder that, even as that emergency went out and said you have to exit immediately, the Lord is saying there is no time left to stay in the old place.  There is no room for hedging.  There is no room for waiting.  The transition is over.  Run now, run now, run now, out of the old place.  For the minute you shut the door to the old place, deliverance will break out on your right hand, and on your left.   For this is the day, this is the year, the time is now, the time is now, the time is now.  We have exited that old place, and Canada you have exited that old place.  You are coming into your destiny as a nation.  The women are beginning to rise up within that nation to cry out on behalf of that nation.  Aglow's destiny is before them in Canada.  It is an exciting time for that nation.

Chuck Pierce said, I am bringing the girls into the game now.  I am going to use women to reverse the curse on the land.  You will make great headway in the next three years.  Do you know when the third year is up?  2007.  You had better be in Seattle.  He went on.  Then you will break down the defense of the enemy in the fourth - 2008.  We have got some exciting things coming.  Chuck went on.  Don't be afraid to be tackled.  Though you fall, you will rise in new strength.  You know, some of you have been walking through some really tough things - true?  You think, where has God gone?

Last night we met with the Prophetic Council, and it is interesting that in this period of time, it is almost like there has been opposition.  But out of the opposition there is arising a strength that will not be put down.  Though you fall, you will rise with new strength.  I want to declare over you and over this ministry, we have entered a new place.  It is a kairos time.  It is a place of victory.  It is a place of strength, because the very opposition that God has allowed to come into your life, or the things that the enemy has brought to your doorstep, you have allowed that very thing to strengthen you, to shape you, to bring you forth in a new victory, in a new strength.  We have crossed the threshold into victory.  Don't be afraid to be tackled.  Though you fall, you will rise with new strength.  And everybody said - Yes!  I say to my women rise up.  I am calling your number.  Get back in the game now.  I say to many of you, Chuck went on, who have been sidelined in this past season, I say get your gear on.  Have you gotten your gear on?  For I am calling you back into leadership within My body.  I say the call is upon you, get ready for breakthrough in the land. 

I believe God has been positioning Aglow and women for this hour.  I believe it has been a defining time for women.  God has been moving them into position for a showdown with the enemy, and even as we have felt a shift in the world, there has been a shift in this ministry.  There has been a shift in women even though you have been in trouble, difficult times, struggling with painful tough things, you have come out of the fire alive and brilliant and burning and ready for battle.  The very thing the enemy feared, the very thing he was trying to take out of you, God has built within you, with new strength, new vigor, new power, and new authority.  Women are arising in this hour.

Revelation 12 speaks about the dragon.  It says he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.  It says he was enraged with the woman.  Well, guess what?  We are a little enraged ourselves.  So get ready for the battle.  Get ready to hear the women of the earth rise up to take their stand against you.  Goliath is your doorway to destiny.  What Goliath are you facing?  That is the very doorway to your destiny.  Don't leave the battlefield until the battle has been won.  We are not stopping.  We are not stopping.  Our youth is being renewed.  Our strength is being renewed.  Our vision is being renewed.  We have come out of a season of difficulty, but we have come out glowing, strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is not our own strength, it is not our own smarts, it is not our own ability that's been renewed.  We are coming out in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Don't stop half way to where you are going.  What is your goal?  What is the vision God has put within you?  Don't stop short.  Don't stop halfway to where He is taking us.  It is the Word; I'm glad one person got it.  I'm teasing. I know you are getting it.  Are you getting it?

Do you remember in 2004, Dutch Sheets walked the platform with this key.  I took it home.  With this key he kept saying "I release the anointing.  I release the anointing.  I release Isaiah 22:22 over this ministry, the anointing of government, and the revelation of level 12.  You are coming through level 11 and you are going all the way to level 12, Kingdom authority.  He is going to clear out all the cobwebs, all the wrong thinking.  He is going to show you how to go into the level of kingdom authority."  Girls we have gone in.  The thing the enemy meant for our undoing has been the very thing that has empowered and strengthened us for the days ahead.  We will not be stopped.  Dutch kept saying, as he walked and paced the platform with this key, "I release it on you.  Twenty-two is your number.  I decree it now."  What is your number?

I was thinking about the various themes of conferences that we have had.  Our theme in 2003 was "Seasons in God, Establishing a New Day".  That was a real turning point for our ministry.  Are you aware of it?  It was a powerful conference.  2004 "Awake!  Be Astounded!"  There has been an awakening taking place in this ministry.  Any ministry that has gone at the rate this ministry has gone for thirty-nine years, we have needed a fresh touch from heaven.  We have needed the renewing of the Holy Spirit.  We have needed God to visit us and in these last several conferences, it is like the roof has been blown off our gathering places.  Would you not agree?  2005 "His Defining Presence" and 2006 "Destiny".

Chuck Pierce said in a recent newsletter that 5767 is the year of the clash of the sword of the Lord.  He said that we are getting ready to be sharpened and our identity is being developed for the future.  Well, I want to say that I believe Aglow, a ministry that is thirty-nine this year, is moving into our future, that we have stepped into our destiny, that we have been moving in that way these past several years.  You can hear it in our corporate gatherings.  You can sense it in the worship times.  God has shifted this ministry into a new place.  He has given us a greater understanding of our call and our purpose.  We have moved from the sixties, seventies, eighties into the year 2000.

Not seeing this as something that is just a blessing for ourselves, but He has awakened us to His almighty call and purpose on our lives as women.  Amen?

Graham Cooke, one of our speakers a couple of years ago, said Aglow is in a season of divine acceleration.  It is a time for you to take more territory.  It is a time to walk in more boldness.  Have you been doing it?  That didn't sound very enthusiastic.  I am not too impressed.  Have you been doing it?  Yes!

Do you ever have moments in time where you feel like God just pulls back the curtain and lets you peer into your destiny, your future, your life, your family, our ministry?  I had one of those times just this month.  September, this month, has been Aglow's month to pray for President Bush.  There are several ministries, they obviously have taken every month throughout the year, and September was the month that Aglow chose.  So this has been our month to pray for President Bush.  Next month it is going to Eagle's Wings, Robert Stearn's ministry.  So each ministry is picking up a month to pray for the nation.

I have had the privilege of being involved in two nationwide prayer meetings.  I am on the West Coast, so my call comes at 9:00pm, but I am praying primarily with women on the East Coast, so they pray from 12:00pm until 1:00am this entire month for President Bush, for his leadership, for wisdom, for strength, for courage, for the Holy Spirit to enlighten him.  What an awesome experience it has been to join with, I think the last call had twenty-five or thirty women.  There were perhaps that many area codes on the line.  Women interceding in the night hours for President Bush and our nation.

Recently I was driving down the freeway, in fact Sandy Wezowicz was with me, going to dinner.   We left Edmonds and we are driving down to the heart of Seattle, and my cell phone rang.  Hello, I am driving, Hello.  Jane this is Senator Brownback.  Oh, hello!  And we began to have - I don't know, Sandy, how many minutes -ten minutes - fifteen minutes conversation.  He wanted to know what I was hearing the Lord say.  He wanted to know that Aglow was behind the nation.  Behind those in leadership that are Christian leaders, praying on behalf of this nation.  He has asked if we could continue to have contact from time to time.  There are others in the DC area, Alice Holland and Pat Chen was at this gathering, and others from that region who are very involved.  Alice has been a part of Capital Hill praying for I don't know how long, but very effective in that realm of prayer and the position that God has given her, the favor that God has given her.

God is using the women of this ministry to make a difference in this nation.  It was the very next day, Sandy was visiting the office, and we had planned two days of meetings.  So we were very intent on what we were about and a phone call came, and I was being asked to speak with a key leader from a very key nation in the Middle East.  And so in my desire to stay on track with what we were doing I said well, could I speak with this gentleman tomorrow?  They said, well, tomorrow he is meeting with Vice President Cheney, Senator Brownback, and he went down the list, and I said, well, oh, well, I will speak with him today.  I am blonde, but I am not stupid.

This gentleman, a key leader in a very hot nation in the Middle East, a believer, but a very key man, was staying with an Aglow leader in the eastern area of the United States.  And as she began to pour out her heart about what God has called this ministry to, what He has called women to, my understanding was at first it was like, yeah, yeah, well that is good, that is nice.  But that night, as he slept, God began to speak to Him.  I don't know if it was in a vision or a dream, but the next morning when he awakened, he spoke to this Aglow woman and said, I need to talk with you about the place of Aglow in the particular nation that I live in.  And he wants to work with the women of that nation.  Now, we do have Aglow in this particular nation and it is a hot bed, but he said I want to work with the women of this nation to begin to make quite an impact within the nation.  And God has given him favor to be able to make in roads in some very key ways.

I stand in awe of what God is unfolding.  I believe God is positioning us governmentally, and I am not entirely sure what that means, but that word has hovered over this ministry for some time.  There has been much praying by the women of Aglow in capitals within cities and states.  But I believe something is going to be linked with our capital, and even as women like Alice and the group of women that go with her to pray regularly for the leadership of this nation on capital grounds, I believe God is honoring these women for the way they have poured out their lives, poured out their prayer, poured out their heart, for this nation and I believe there is coming a greater linking.

Recently Lou Engles, do you know Lou Engles from The Call?  We have been in contact several times very recently, and he brought to my attention a greater awareness of the issue of abortion in the state of South Dakota.  And you are going to hear more about that tomorrow from Sande Loftberg.  My good friend, Sande Loftberg.  I do love Sande Loftberg.  I love them all.  The women of the US Board are wonderful women.  But Sande lives in that area, and the issue of abortion and the law that was passed outlawing abortion in that state, is up again for the voters to make the final decision.  And so you will hear tomorrow of the role that Aglow women are going to play in, hopefully, causing this abortion law to not be reversed, because it is very key for our nation.  It is an Esther moment for the women of our nation.  It is an Esther moment for the women of Canada.  It is an Esther moment for the women of the world. 

When I leave this conference, I am going to the state of California because there has been many prophetic words that have gone out related to the state of California.  Chuck recently had a word.  He was in the state, Barbara Yoder was there, and they were at Steve Dittmer's church, I believe.  At least Steve was at the gathering.  He said I am bringing some watching women on the wall and they are going to have a sound and a cry within them.  They are going to cry out until the end of harvest, and if those watching women don't get on the wall and start crying and worshipping, what is going to happen at the end of the harvest, the enemy is going to come in and our next attack will come in on this land.  Now hear me, that is why the watching, and California is very important because the next targeted group is there.  And God says He is about to sweep that state and do a major work with the women to get them up on the wall.  And the men will be praising, and the women will be watching, and you are going to see what was planned for Los Angeles go in the other direction.

As I said, when I leave here, I go home for a couple of days, and then I go to Steve Dittmer's church and Barbara will be there.  And you women of Southern California, you need to get the time and the place.  We need praying, warring women.  Steve had asked Barbara and I to come several months hence and when this word came forth, I got the phone call that evening, and Steve was asking Barbara and I to come quickly to turn the tide of what the enemy wants to do in that state.

We are living in incredible times.  Have you felt the resistance?  Have you felt resistance personally?  Have you felt resistance within your local meetings?  Your area retreats?  The enemy has been resisting because he fears what the women are about to bring forth in the earth.  Recently I have been in therapy for my knee, and they just do lots of things with your knee, trying to get it to work right, but it wasn't moving in the way that it needed to or to the degree that it needed to.  So, one day the therapist said, I am going to try something different today.  It is called resistance.  So as I hold you leg, I am going to resist you.  I will fight against you, but I want you to push against my strength.  So we will go this direction, and we will come back this way.  So, we went back and forth, back and forth, resisting in both directions.  After several moments and this pretty strong resistance, she said now stand up.  All of a sudden my knee was free.  The resistance seemed the opposite of what I needed.  And yet, it was the very thing that released the knee.  I could walk, I could run, I could dance.  You have been experiencing resistance.  You have been experiencing resistance in your meetings, resistance in your home, resistance in your health, resistance in many areas of your life, but it's the very resistance that God has allowed to come that is the thing that is going to set you free.  It is resistance because the enemy fears women arising in this hour.  You have found that the very resistance in your life has made you more determined.  You have had to press against the resistance.  It seems like the more valuable your efforts to rise, to walk, to run, to dance, it's been awkward and difficult.  But God is causing that very resistance for you to rise up and dance on the head of the enemy.  I believe that the believing remnant within this nation and within the nation of Canada has arisen.  It tells us in Isaiah 41, "Behold, I make you into a new threshing instrument with sharp teeth.  You will thresh the mountains, you will beat them small, you will make the hills like chaff.  You will winnow them, the wind will carry them away, and the whirlwind will scatter them; and you will rejoice in the Lord, and you will glory in the Holy One of Israel.

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.  Caleb said, I want my inheritance.  Do you want yours?  He said, give me this mountain, because the Lord spoke to me about that mountain.  I want it, it is mine, and the Lord has kept me alive.  Now I want to receive what is mine.  My strength is as good now as it was then.  I want my mountain.  Give me the mountain.  You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.  There have been mountains in your lives.  There has been resistance.  It seems like the very opposite thing that you have needed has been your portion.  Health issues, financial issues, knee issues.  All manner of things.  But God has said to this ministry, this is your hour. 

This is what I have prepared you for.  This is time for your rendezvous with history and destiny.  It is your hour.  So women I am saying to you, rise up in the strength that God has imparted into you.  It is time to see the things lift off of you that have been the very opposition that the enemy has brought, but it is the very thing that God has been using to give you the strength you need for this hour.  It is our hour.  It is our time with destiny.

Stand to your feet.  Can we have some music?  Thank you, Lord.  Lord, we step into that new place.  The place you have prepared for us.  The place of destiny that you purposed for us.  And Lord, we agree with the Word of the Lord that says I have made you, Aglow, into a new threshing instrument with sharp teeth.  And I have prepared to thresh the mountains, and to beat them small.  I have purposed for you to make the hills like chaff, to winnow them, to carry them away.  And you shall rejoice in the Lord, and you shall glory, you shall glory in the Holy One of Israel.  Aglow women, it is time for your destiny to unfold.  It is time for the destiny of this ministry to come forth in the strength, and the vigor, and the purpose, the divine destiny, that He has prepared for this hour.