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 Sri Lanka Standing Strong

Sri Lanka experienced a terrorist attack in multiple locations throughout the nation on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019. In spite of this terrible attack with great loss of life, Aglow Sri Lanka and the church are standing strong in their nation.

Here is their story:

As a Nation we are still reeling in the aftermath of the terrible tragedy that took place on Easter Sunday. There’s a sense of disbelief, shock, anger and hopelessness that has gripped the nation. Roads that are usually busy are deserted.

Points For Thanksgiving:

  1. Peace is prevailing among the ethnic and religious communities in the aftermath of the terrible tragedy that took place on Easter Sunday. The Christian community has shown extreme restraint in not retaliating to the attacks of terrorism.
  2. We thank God for the godly leaders amongst the clergy who rose to the occasion. Statements issued by the Archbishop of the Catholic Church and the Anglican Bishop of Colombo to forgive the perpetrators and love our enemies have calmed the situation. “Reprisals will not be tolerated,” they said fearlessly.
  3. The Christian response to this tragedy has turned into a testimony and non-believers are astonished, amazed and inspired by this mature response.
  4. There was moving testimony of the 16 children who died in the bomb blast at Zion church. This church was reaching out to the community and many non-believers had turned to Christ. During Sunday School on that fateful morning, the teacher spoke to the children about repentance and receiving Jesus into their lives as Savior. He had then challenged them, asking if they were ready to die for Jesus. All the children raised their hands and as a symbolic gesture of their fresh dedication to the Lord they lighted a candle. It would be their final act of worship. They were in the playground when the bomb was detonated and 16 children died instantly.
  5. Due to island-wide search operations being carried out by the security forces ammunition, weaponry, explosives that had been concealed are being revealed, and suspects are being taken in.
  6. Thank God for Aglow Fellowships that are functioning well in these tense and uncertain times. Attendance has been good with 25-30 present in some meetings.
  7. Deeper hunger has been created in the hearts of believers for the Word of God. In these times of fear, uncertainty and insecurity people are searching the Scriptures for assurance of God’s presence. Psalm 46 has been of tremendous strength. God is in the midst of her and he will help her at the crack of dawn.

Prayer Points for Aglow Sri Lanka:

  1. As believers we will shine for Jesus, in our communities, workplace, universities etc. When persecuted and under threat, we will not retaliate, not rendering evil for evil or insult for insult, rather blessing according to 1 Peter 3: 9. Our response will turn into a testimony for the unbelieving.
  2. Pray for God’s protection over our churches as we gather to worship Him. We know that God does not dwell in temples made with hands, but dwells in our hearts. We are the church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church.
  3. Continue to pray for those who were critically injured and are receiving treatment for God’s healing touch upon them.
  4. Pray for our security forces and intelligence as they conduct search operations.
  5. Pray for our rulers, for wisdom and that they would rule with integrity.

What a powerful testimony of Air Supremacy as God’s peace abides over this nation in the midst of such chaos and confusion. Aglow Sri Lanka is as a shining light in this time of darkness!

Aglow we have been called for such a time as this to stand and declare His Lordship over the nation of Sri Lanka and all Aglow nations worldwide.